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November 25th, 1976

"Are you sure you're alright Remus?" Regulus asked Remus who was currently sitting in a tight ball on the younger boys bed reading a heavy set book on Herbology. He didn't even take Herbology as a subject.

"Yes. Fine." Remus replied shortly, not looking up as Regulus slipped on a simple blue tshirt and sat on the edge of his bed and kept his eyes on Remus. Remus could feel the stare boring into him but paid it no mind.

"Are you sure?" Regulus pressed, obviously not convinced, "You've been actively avoiding Evan since yesterday lunch."

Remus felt his heart rate pick up at the mention of Evan and his eyes sliced up into Regulus' but the younger boy didn't flinch and just stared. He hadn't meant to start avoiding Evan.

"What a load of shit, im not avoiding Evan. I'm in his bedroom." Remus reasoned and Regulus gave him an unimpressed look. "His bed is right there."

"Remus do I have to point out that you came in right after Evan left?" Regulus reached over and plucked the book from his hands, "Besides you're reading about Herbology, nobody does that for fun apart from Mann over there." Regulus stuck a thumb over at the other boy in the room, a rather gangly redheaded boy who was hiding behind the opaque green curtains of his poster bed.

Remus' presence wasn't exactly welcome in here. Beals had left the moment Remus walked in.

" Well it is his book." Remus spoke absentmindedly as he grabbed one of Regulus' pillows and plucked at a feather sticking out of it.

The book landed at the end of the bed with a thud and Regulus fell back so he was laying down.

"You can speak to me Remus.." Regulus told him and Remus cast a nervous glance at Regulus, then at Mann's bed.

"Mann, out." Regulus spoke and Mann was out of his bed in seconds and then out of the door just as fast. Regulus looked back at Remus, "So?"

Remus shut his eyes and took in a deep breath. As far as he was aware Regulus and all of his other friends had the same views towards his problem as he did. And telling anyone about them could be bad, really really bad.

"Tell me why you have Evan convinced you're trying to court his cousin and I'll tell you my secret. I can tell that's not what's happening and that you've done it on purpose to throw him off." Remus challenged him and Regulus threw him a wild stare and sat up,
"How do you-"
"Anyone with eyes can tell. Besides, i can sniff out liars. Sweaty palms and raised heartbeats."

Regulus looked ashamed as he averted his eyes.

"I can't tell you Remus."

Remus put down the pillow and stood up, taking his wand from the bedside table and pocketing it.

"Have a nice evening Regulus."
"Remus! You don't have to hide everything from everyone. You can confide in people." Regulus spoke loudly as Remus grabbed the door handle.

"Have a nice evening Regulus." He repeated.

November 26th, 1976

Remus had successfully managed to avoid and ignore Black throughout Potions and Transfiguration Friday afternoon.He just wanted to put off any questions and conversations for the not so private area of detention.

At dinner they had an extra person with them. Pandora had decided to join them now that she'd met Remus.

"I felt rude just showing up when I hadn't met you," She'd told him, "and I was waiting for you to approach me because ive been warned off of approaching you. You never seem like you want to be bothered anyway."

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