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August 9th, 1976

Evan Rosier got on Remus' nerves to begin with and Remus had almost admitted that he preferred the company of Francis Crabbe over him but that would never be true.

Crabbe was just like Evan had said, not very bright and had the magical capabilities of a toddler which came to surprise as he was one of the New Generation who were supposed to be magical weapons is the Dark Lord's army and he was nineteen years old.

Remus had thought he was younger and alongside finding out his age he found out Crabbe had been at Hogwarts. Remus still didn't feel the familiarity at all. How could he not remember someone in his own house. But when for the rest of summer he found himself forgetting Crabbes face after a few days he came down to the fact that Francis Crabbe just had a very forgetful face.

He hadn't seen Regulus all summer and he wasn't sure whether the boy knew about his bumped down status.

Evan and Remus had gotten closer though, something Remus didn't entirely expect because like said before, Evan was annoying and was always testing Remus' boundaries.

Though Remus was a little impressed by it, none of the others tried to and he had a feeling it wasn't because he was in charge but rather because of his condition.

It became clear very quickly that none of the New Generation knew how to behave around werewolves because they seemed on their toes constantly and whenever Remus would anger slightly and bare his teeth they'd all raise their wands. He wasn't offended by it at all, he understood their fear. Evan was getting used to it quicker and he felt that it was because of their duel at the end of July.

"Regulus is coming today." Evan told Remus as he walked up to him, it was mid August now. Remus looked up from the papers infront of him with raised brows.
"About time." Remus huffed and Evan planted himself on an empty spot of the table, rolling his eyes. "Does he know about the status change?" He looked back at the papers and sifted through them again.

"Yeah, I owled him as soon as I got home. He didn't seem to really care but its Regulus so I'm not surprised." Evan explained and Remus simply nodded.
"We have a new one coming in by the way." Evan added and handed Remus the file he was holding. "A Jack Combey."

Remus opened the file immediately.

There was no photo but Remus read that Jack Combey was American, the only American in the New Generation. Most of the kids in the New Generation were schooled at Illvermorny, the American Wizarding School, but were all British. He was 16, like Remus, and was apparently very skilled in hexes but there was a note in ink at the bottom of the paragraph that Remus didn't bother to read.

'Will not surpass Greyback or Evan.'

Remus felt a relief at that.

"We're not getting overruled atleast." Remus told Evan who nodded although he already knew.

"So what are we doing today?"

Remus and Evan were the only ones here. They were at the New Generation meetings first to talk through the plan for the day.

The meetings were always pretty dead, they usually just carried through duelling and spell practices and sometime Remus branched out and just let them relax as he doubted they got any time to do that outside of the meetings, Remus was tough but most of them were just kids and he had a heart. Why they were left unsupervised was a question Remus knew he was never going to ask. Remus was given instructions to note any improvements from each member and any that were begin to lack any qualities.

Logan Wolf, a rather skilled Legilimens, had dissappeared after Remus had complained in a report about his inability to control certain spells and Evan had informed him that he had been killed by a Death Eater for failing. Remus decided he would try refrain from complaining about any others so he was sure this Jack Combey was probably a replacement.

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