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October 15th, 1976

Jack and Crouch were getting gross. They'd been practically fucking eachother through their clothes the whole time they were sat in the Slytherin common room. The entrance was reluctant to let the two in as they weren't Slytherins but gave in after a threat or two from Crouch.

"Guys seriously." Evan groaned in annoyance but Remus watched the way Evan stared at the two for moments before he spoke, something that Remus couldn't quite pinpoint had washed over his face and only grew stronger every moment he watched. "It's gross and making the rest of us uncomfortable."

Regulus and Remus hummed in agreement.

Crouch rolled his eyes as Jack sheepishly rolled of his lap and landed beside Remus. Her hair was red now, like blood red. She liked changing her hair but preferred keeping everything else real and how it was supposed to be but sometimes she morphed her face to look like an owl or some other animal to entertain the boys.

Jack and Remus were good friends but since the accidental power trip he'd used on her she was wary around him but they liked eachother and were finally back beside eachother in Potions as the partnering was over and the next potion would be done solo.

"Remus, have you done the Runes homework. British stuff feels more complicated and its killing me." Jack said, he knew it was her way of getting him to give her his homework. The 'I'm from a different country card' was as lowkey beginnig to reach its time limit as Halloween approached quickly.

Mid-October was often Remus' favourite time lf the year as its when Autumn really started to come about and the world didn't seem all to dreary just yet. The air wasn't cold nor hot. It felt right although the wind was a pain when he'd wake up naked in the shack. Winter was definitely the worse, especially at Hogwarts because it snowed. Pomfrey and McGonnogal tried their best with warming charms but it never quite seemed enough.

What Remus wasn't too fond of was halloween and it was fast approaching. Like the other houses, Slytherin were having a Halloween party in their common room but Evan wanted to visit all the parties so they could finally see who's was the best. It was risky but the group agreed nonetheless.

"You Americans are just dumb." Evan teased.
"Shove it Rosier."

Evan tackled her, launching himself over Remus' lap and they tumbled to the ground, knocking the table with a large shake. Regulus moved it with a spell to avoid it getting broken.
"Bloody hell." Remus tucked his legs up into his chest to avoid his feet's getting caught in the wrestling match.

"So, Remus, what are you dressing up as?" Crouch asked Remus who grimaced at the thought.
"Nothing." He answered and the fight before him broke apart instantly.

"Nothing!?" Jack screamed in shock and Evan hit her in the head telling her to shut up, but he settled beside her on the floor wordlessly. "You can't dress up as nothing."
Evan agreed
"What if we choose the costume for you so you don't have to decide?" Crouch suggested and Remus frowned in thought but decided that ultimately there was no harm behind it.


October 31st, 1976

"Evan Rosier, I am not wearing this!" Remus seethed from the bathroom and he wanted to hex the two boys who were giggling on the other side of the door. "Keep laughing and I will curse you both." He warned and they fell silent in an instance.

"Just let us see it atleast." Evan tried and Remus considered it carefully, eyes narrowed and fists clenched in annoyance. He looked over at the full length mirror in the bathroom and scowled at his reflection.

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