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December 31st, 1976

"How do you even have trousers that are long enough for my legs?" Remus said as he buttoned up the bootcut jeans Evaan had leant him.

"I went through a phase of just really long jeans and big clothes in general. I kept them because they're nice to lounge in." Evan told him as he slipped the belt through the loopholes in Remus jeans and buckled it for him.

"The shirt is my dads though." He said and watched as Remus tucked in the red button up, "I think I might let you keep it, you look good in red." Evan said as he kicked Remus ' boots towards him.

"Why thank you Rosier." Remus grinned and tilted his head up as he laced the boots and was surprised by the camera pointed at him, "what was that for?" Remus asked as he sat up and watched as Evan waved it around a bit before he jumped onto his bed and stuck the photo onto the headboard.

"Perfect." Evan muttered as he jumped off the bed and tucked his wand into the inside of his blazer pocket, "mums gonna me upset about the jeans and blazer but I left my dress trousers at the hall."
"Im sure it'll be fine because those jeans are fucking pristine." Remus told him, all of his own jeans were faded at the knees and shins. Not that he minded, he liked the effect it gave.

"Well we're part of the sacred twenty-seven Remus, have to look presentable." Evan said as he fixed his hair in the mirror before he spun for the door and Remus stood, "Lets go hot stuff." He strut past Remus and smacked his ass as he did. Remus jumped with a yelp and Evan cackled.

"Why did you do that?" Remus hissed as Evan yanked the door open and he swiped his wand up from the bed before following Evan out.
"You have a nice ass." Evan flirted and Remus rolled his eyes as his cheeks burned red.
"Oh whatever."

"Dora will be waiting for us at the bottom of the stairs." Evan said as he practically skipped along the corridor, Remus kept up just fine.
"How many people?" Remus asked and Evan shrugged,
"Haven't counted but loads."
"Right." He muttered as he tried to fix the hair on his head.

"Your hair is lovely Remus." Pandora told him as they got to the bottom of the stairs, "no need to fix it."
Remus blushed again and smiled at her, swinging an arm over her shoulder,
"Thank you Pandora, you're looking lovely." He complimented and she laughed up at him. She really did look lovely in a deep purple halter neck dress which fell past her knees and her hair done up in an intricate bun.
"Thank you Remus,"

Evan scoffed,
"Thank you both for complimenting my looks today." He mock bowed and the pair looked at him,
"You look lovely Evan." They said in unison and Evan waved them off,
"Yeah, I know."

Pandora let out a snorting laugh and she looked at Remus as she did.

Him and Pandora had gotten closer since they'd first met. They met up for study sessions twice a week and once a week they'd get together and spend a couple hours just wandering the castle.
They weren't by any means best friends but they stood on a close and mutual ground and she knew that he was aware that she and Regulus weren't actually seeing eachother.

"Mum done her speech yet?" Evan asked Pandora who shook her head.
"No, you haven't missed it yet." Evan groaned as he rubbed his chin, "Also can I ask where you both were, because Evan you were gone a while. I was worried you'd both been caught at the disaster in the Ministry."

Remus and Evan gave eachother funny looks.
"We were on a date." Remus spoke up and Evan blanched at Remus for being so open.
"Oh that's lovely, in your underwear?" Pandora asked and Evan laughed,
"No, we just fell in dirt and we were filthy so had to change" Evan told her and she hummed and looked over Remus.
"Ah yes, this is your father's no?" she asked and plucked at Remus' top. He smacked her hand away lighting and she nudged him with her hip in return.

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