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January 26th, 1977

"I really think I should have waited outside." Remus said once they got out of the Gryffindor common room.

There was something unsaid about a Slytherin being in a Gryffindor common room. Especially when that Slytherin was Remus Greyback and his height was a give away to who he was despite the hood of Blacks jumper hiding his face.

"It's fine. Where do you want to do this?" Black asked and Remus thought about it for a moment,
"Room of requirement." He suggested and Black nodded,
"Alright." They began the short walk to the room of requirement.

Remus shivered despite having on the jumper that Black had given him at dinner and his own robes. He'd never wished more that he had that stupid red hoodie.
"Blimey Greyback, do I need to give you my robes aswell?" Black asked and Remus scoffed,
"I'm fine."
He felt a hand touch his and he snatched his own a way and shoved it into his pockets.
"Your hand is freezing Greyback." Black said and he stopped walking. Remus stopped a couple steps ahead and he turned to look back at him. He shrugged,
"It always is. Now please keep walking, if we're lucky the room will give us a fireplace." Remus said and Black very hesitantly fell into step with him.

They walked in a comfortable silence for the majority of the walk.

"Can I push it and ask for two questions?" Black asked and was answered by a livid look from Remus, "And I will not, okay."

Remus eyed his warily,
"You have the counter potion for Veritaserum right?" Black nodded and wagged a smaller vial infront of Remus' face.
"Right here. I'm always prepared."

Remus snatched the vial from Blacks fingers and pocketed it. Black smirked,
"What, do you not trust me?" He teased and Remus rolled his eyes and picked up the pace.

The door to the room of requirement formed as he stopped outside of it and Black stood beside him.
"I've never actually been in here before,"
"No?" Remus asked as he stared at the door, Black shook his head,
"what does it look like?"
"It doesn't have a single form, the interior shifts to a room that you require so it never looks the same. Hence the name, room of requirement." Remus explained and he reached forward nad pushed the door open.

The room was warm inside and Remus relished in it, his body untensing as the cold dissipated.

It was small inside, smaller then Remus had ever seen it be. A fire roared against the right side wall and a dining table sat before it, three seats surrounding it. It was a simple oak table with skinny legs and clothed tabletop.
The room only stretched a few more feet left and forward before stopping at stone walls.

Remus' feet practically sunk into the carpet and he cringed at the fact it was white. His boots were covered in dirt, he couldn't remember the last time he'd cleaned them. He left tracks behind him. There was nothing left by Blacks shoes and Remus unintentionally scowled at it.

He dropped himself and his bag into two of the chairs, stretching his legs onto the second and crossing them over eachother. Black lowered himself into the 3rd seat and placed the Veritaserum on the table before him before stripping himself of his robes. He then looked over at Remus who was still bundled up in the black jumper and his robes, though he had pulled the hood down now.
"How are you not sweating?" He asked in disbelief, loosening his tie and undoing the top couple buttons of his shirt.

Remus couldn't help but let his eyes linger for a moment before flashing away before he could get caught.

"I'm still warming up." Remus said as he pulled the vial of anti-serum from his pocket and placed it infront of him.

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