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August 8th, 1978

"Don't touch me!" Remus snapped and he snarled at the woman who stood by the chair Remus had just knocked over.

"I don't want to cut it." He panted. He hadn't known she was going to try cut his hair.

"Soanes not going to hurt you Moon-"
"Shut up Black." Remus snapped ans Sirius flinched, "I want to keep it. I don't want to cut it."

He didn't like it but it was last thing crom Mark and while they'd nog been the bestest friends, they were friends nontheless.

"We have to. It's too recognisable Remus. Come si-"

"Don't Sirius." Soane soothed, "he needs to trust me. I don't want to cut his hair unless he wants me to."
"Soane it's a haircut." Sirius blanched,
"And he's a person Sirius. Not a toy."
"I never- you're twisting my words." Sirius snapped and Soane rolled her eyes and she put the scissors away and began to pack her equipment.

"You'll have to rely on a glamour spell for now."
"We can't guarantee it'll hold." Sirius was growing aggravated and Remus still held an offensive position against the wall. His eyes remained on Soanes hands as they packed her stuff away.
"Then that's a problem you'll have to take up with Dumbledore, not me."

She left and there was a silence and Remus calmed down, teeth returning to normal and eyes fading to brown.

When he focused in on Sirius the boy was pacing, dragging a hand down his face as he let out a heavy breath.

" Sirius..."

"Why do you have to be so difficult?" Sirius snapped and Remus' eyes widened.
"Whats that supposed to mean?" Remus asked and Sirius stopped pacing and turned to him.
"I don't want to have to use my...my power over you more then necessary but you're being disobedient and if you don't listen then they make me-" He paused and shook his shoulders, "then I have to use it."
"Disobedient?" Remus sneered, baring his teeth again.


He wasn't a pet. So why was he being treated like one?

He clenched his fists at his sides and they shook with anger.

"Remus you know what I mean." Sirius sighed and Remus bristled,

"You know what Sirius?" Remus walked forward, "You have been nothing but shitty since I got back from- from wherever the fuck I was." He walked up and stopped infront of him and Sirius tilted his head, giving him a confused stare. "You've been controlling, with or without the power, you've been unreasonable and now I think you're just trying to manipulate me into thinking this plan that Dumbledore has created is tye best and only way we're going to defeat Riddle. And I'm not having it. There are other ways then making me a puppet."

Sirius' brows furrowed and his stare shifted into a glare and he gritted his teeth.

Remus flashed his eyes.

"You're bending to his every will it seems like, doing whatwver you get told to even if it means hurting me. What happened to the old Sirius because he would have never been such a dog. He actually cared about me." Remus barked in his face and Sirius squared up,
"He's still here, but, Remus, I lost myself looking for you. I didn't stop and when we had to go back to school it-" Sirius broke off, "I blamed myself. If I had tried harder to save you, to keep you safe, then you wouldn't have been taken." tears welled up in the shorter boys eyes and Remus' expression softened considerably, "I tore myself apart between the start of term and Christmas. I didn't have you, or James or Pete who was still in intensive recovery from the burns. I was alone and I couldn't do anything to help any of you."

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