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this feels badly written but i song have the motivation to quadruple check it, im struggling to even write atm so i hope you all at least find it enjoyable still :)

August 2nd, 1978

Remus wasn't sure why he agreed to do this.

Even after Sirius stated that they all knew who he really was.

That he was the kid behind the mask.

They hated him.

Their eyes were so angry and Remus wanted to curl up in the corner and rot.

He was finally being moved from Aberforths after the meeting, he hadn't liked it there at all and he didn't want fo step foot in his loft ever again either but if he was to be present at order meetings then it's how it would have to go.

They were moving him to a safe house after. Remus wasn't sure where but they were. And he'd be with Sirius and Kingsley Shacklbolt, Sirius' old roommate that Remus had only spoken to briefly in DADA lessons. He didn't know where James and Peter had been staying.

Sirius had recovered some of Remus' clothes from the Potters after the fire and he'd brought them over so Remus sat there in his red hoodie, hugging himself.

"Chain him up."

Remus winced as the quite whisper invaded his ears.

"Fucking monster."

Remus shut off his hearing and he looked back towards Sirius stood behind him and the boy smiled down at him apologetically. He knew Remus was uncomfortable.

A hand found his shoulder comfortingly.

"Okay. All of you," A voice grumbled and Moody hobbled into the room. He'd kept his hair short and he waz still fighting fit but his hair had greyed a considerable amount to when he'd last seen it, "quiet down now, we have some important stuff to talk about. Dumbledore was meant to be doing this while i rested up my leg but...he had some last minute business to look after."

The room fell quiet.

Moody bent over and rubbed at his leg. His leg which was infact not a leg anymore.

Remus stared at it and fear jolted through him as he could the see the awkwardness of the rip.

" Your leg." Remus spoke, his hushed voice loud in the quiet room and Moody looked towards him, "what happened?"
Moody pursed his lips together sourly and he met Remus' eyes directly as he stalked close and leant towards him, hands finding the arms of the chair and Remus felt a dizzy spell and he eyed the crushed wolfsbane in a vial around his neck and a whimper ripped through him.

"You want to know what happened Reaper?" Moody spat and Remus flinched as far away as he could, "you really want to know?"
Remus nodded,
"Well then, you held me down by the shoulders while your Conductor friend used his hands to rip my leg from me." Moody informed and Remus felt sick,

"Im sorry. I didn't-"
"You're sorry means noth-"
"Back up Moody." Sirius snapped ans he'd stepped forwards and moved a hand to the older mans chest and pushed him away, "we've spoken about Remus' circumstances in private, you know full well he didn't mean it."

Moody just kissed his teeth and turned away from Remus with a dirty look and towards the crowd of order members who were still angry.

"Okay everyone, I sent you all the debrief for the meeting and I'm sure you've all prepared yourself accordingly-"

Remus tuned him out and he turned his head towards Sirius who met his eyes instantaneously, the single looks speaking thousands of words,

" Sirius I don't like this. There's..I could.."
Remus wasn't quite sure what point he was trying to get across to the Gryffindor but Sirius seemed to understand and a hand found the back of Remus hair, burning into his hair to massage gently at the back of his head and Remus felt a pleasant shudder rip through him.

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