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below is my plan for this chapter. can you tell i was excited 😆

talk at  bedside as Remus recovers from cuts.

sorry this is a day late. my mate slept round the night before and we played mc all day and i forgot despite having literally been writing yesterday. finished chap 72, got rid of chap 73, about to go over the new chap 73 on my bus to. college.
anyway, enjoy :)

March 5th, 1977

He'd never forgotten about a full moon before.


Until now.

Sirius' fingers delicately traced Remus jaw from where he was pressed up against the wall, dancing softly towards his neck and into the hair at the base. Remus' head remained tilted back, Sirius' teeth grazing over his pulse as he left a million wet kisses up and down his neck.

"Fuck.." Remus breathed as his hand circled the shorter boys waist and landed on the small of his back before he tugged him slightly off of the wall and closer to Remus.

He felt hungry, as if he couldn't have Sirius any closer then he already was and it gave him an almost insatiable itch.

A deep laugh left Sirius' lips and he lifted his head to look the Slytherin in the eye and he moved back against the wall, his flushed cheeks and lidded eyes making Remus' stomach twist. Not in the usual butterfly way though, but rather in a ravenous sort of way.

Merlin was Sirius Black hot.

"What are you thinking about Remus?" Sirius asked as Remus ducked his head to the Gryffindors neck after leaving a firm kiss on his lips. Sirius' hand hekd the back of his head and he tilted his head sideways to allow Remus more access and Remus took advantage of it.
" You." Remus managed to mutter as his hands moved slowly down to Sirius' hips, one moving lower to cup his ass. Sirius let out a surprised noise but he didn't mind it,
"what about me?" He questioned, a couple pants leaving his mouth as Remus nipped gently down on his exposed collarbone.
"About how hot you are." Remus breathed between kisses,, lifting his head back up and his lips met ready ones, "how much I want- I want -" Remus paused and Sirius stroked his head gently, like a pet, as he fumbled over his words.
"Want what baby?" Sirius hummed as his thumb slipped just past Remus' waist band.
Remus let out a soft whine as his lips fell back to Sirius' neck.
"Want.." He nuzzled into the crook of the raven haired boys neck and he sniffled slightly and his posture went stiff.

His pulse was so loud.

Remus groaned in pain as his head began to pound with the sound of Sirius' pulse.

"to bite." Remus mumbled and Sirius didn't hear him but Remus' eyes snapped open suddenly and he threw himself back and off of Sirius and kept waking back until his back hit the opposite wall of the broom cupboard.

Sirius gave him a wild look.

"You okay Remus?" He asked and went to step forward but Remus held up a warning hand as his breath picked up
"The time! What's the time?" Remus all but yelled and Sirius scrambled for his wand and Remus watched the time appear in the air.


Remus choked on the air.

"Fuck." He hissed as he felt a sudden crack in his fingers.
"Remus, what's wrong? What's happened?" Sirius tried to get closer to him again when Remus let out a pained yell and he dropped into a crouch. He took his wand from his pocket and launched it in Sirius' direction.

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