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February 20th, 1977

"Fucking snap out of it!" Evan barked at Remus who took in another greedy breath, "Remus it's not funny."

Remus' eyes snapped up to look at him, mimicking the blondes livid stare.

"You think im fucking joking you prick?" Remus hissed and he let out a soft groan as he pushed himself to his feet, his arm hugging his side.

Maybe duelling inside when neither of them were in a good mood was a bad idea afterall.

His teeth bared as he tried to ignore the pain and his canines sharpened visibly.

Being stabbed hurt like a bitch Remus decided. The stone currently imbedded in his side had pains reverberating around his whole abdomen. He stumbled back into a wall as more blood soaked the once lovely beige jumper he'd been wearing.

"Just heal."
"With this sticking out of me? No fucking thanks.", Remus told him.

If he healed with that in him it wouldn't be good for when someone else took it out.

"Take it out." Remus huffed as he felt a wave of nausea hit hin,
"Rosier get over here now or I swear to fucking Salazar I will mangle you beyond recognition." Remus didn't mean that, they both knew deep down that he didn't mean that but he was angry, and in pain and on the verge of passing out.
"Don't threaten me." Evan spat as he approached Remus, pushing uo the sleeve to Crouchs jumper.

They weren't upset with eachother at all, although the rough treatment spoke otherwise.

He didn't know what was bothering Evan but he knew what was bothering himself. And in some senses it was puny and stupid and he waa definitely overreacting but he didn't care.

Earlier this morning Remus realised his problem when he became intimate - physically or emotionally - with people and he didn't like to admit it but he became possessive and it wasn't a surprise because Remus Greyback had never liked to share.

Not when Magnolia wanted to hug the stuffed wolf Harlow had given to him his first time in the house.

Not when Brutus, one of his 'brothers', wanted to colour using Remus' crayons back when he was seven.

Not when Regulus Black wanted to borrow one of Remus' jumpers because he liked the patterns on it.

Not now. Not ever.

He didn't like Sirius Black in a completely romantic sense. He knew he felt something for the Gryffindor that was something more physical then he'd like to believe and was becoming something more similar to what he felt for the raging blonde infront of himright now but this was different. Different because Remus Greyback and Sirius Black were definitely not exclusive. But he hated, hated, hated when he saw Sirius coax a Hufflepuff girl in an overtly flirtatious way out of the cold and into a broom cupboard.

They hadn't expressed seeing people outside of eachother but the sentiment was there. Remus wasn't ready for more then he could give, which was nothing more than a couple of handies and the occasional blowjob which were both things he was still trying to get used to, and Sirius was used to more and he wanted more and when Remus couldn't give that to him he'd find someone else and that was fair.

Sirius hadn't directly consulted Remus regarding leading away the Huffflepuff away but there was a permissive glance as he approached her. Remus didn't miss it and he thought it unneeded but he'd given a nod of permission in return and Sirius had smiled at him before continuing.

Remus felt his anger towards Evan had been unjustified for a couple minutes after that exchange but Evan had eliminated all ideas in Remus' mind that Evan and Barty would be a thing, that he'd try and sleep with Barty. He'd disclosed that to Remus and then he'd done it anyway. They could have avoided alot of tension and heartache is Evan had just expressed it. And Evan had known the extent of Remus' feelings for him, he'd known it was thr first time Remus had ever felt comfortable enough to even accept himself.

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