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January 16th, 1977

"Rebel rebel, you've torn your dress," Remus sung quitely to himself as he balanced on a stone wall that lined the pumpkin patch near the currently uninhabited gamekeepers hut, "Rebel rebel, your face is a mess.."

"Remus!" A voice called him and he looked up from his feet and a smile crossed his lips at the sight of Evan bolting towards him at a top speed, hands holding his arms to brace himself against the cold.

Remus jumped off the wall, hands in the pocket of his jacket as he opened up his arms and Evan crashed into him. The brunette stumbled a few steps before he wrapped his arms and the jacket around Evan.

"How are you even out here, its freezing." Evan shuddered as his arms went around Remus' waist, revelling at the safety and warmth of the faux leather.
"You get used to it." Remus laughed as he pressed a kiss to the top of Evans head, "I also wear a jacket and a jumper, what are you doing wearing just a zip up?" Remus asked him and Evan propped his head upward,

"An excuse for you to hold me." He practically purred as he pecked Remus' lips, "besides I have a scarf." A ravenclaw scarf. Remus' anxiety spiked but he thought nothing of it.

Instead he thought of the boy before him and Remus didn't think he could ever get over the blondes beauty.

"You're so beautiful Evan." Remus told him and if his cheeks weren't already pink from the cold they'd have definitely flushed at that comment,
"Haven't heard that one from you." Evan replied with a smile.
"No but I think it all the time because you really are the most beautiful thing I've ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes on Evan Rosier."

"You flatter me Remus Greyback." He gushed with a laugh,
"I mean it."
"I know you do."

They stood and stared at eachother in silence for a while.

They'd spoken on Thursday about the little spat Wednesday night. Remus admitted he'd been a little bit sensitive about it all and Evan agreed that he shouldn't have been so flippant about it all. So they were good.

That was Remus' favourite thing about them, they didn't have any trouble with communicating their worries. Not very often anyway. It was true sometimes that it could take them a few days ro bring up what they needed to talk about but they'd do it eventually.

They worked.
They worked like bread and butter.

"You're very beautiful too Remus." Evan told him and Remus laughed,
"Thanks but with these scars-"
"The scars change nothing Wolfboy, you're still beautiful." One of Evans arms tucked between them as he lifted his hand to Remus face and traced three parallel scratches that stretched diagonally from left to right on his face, one going over his eye so Remus shut his eyes as his fingers dragged over, "They make you even more beautiful because they're you, they're a part of you. So are those hidden freckles that I'm sure are ever present in the summer." He commented.
Remus nodded,
"They are."

"So please don't think these scars make you any less attractive. Not the ones on your face or the ones on your body." Remus sniffled and lowered his head to press a loving kiss to Evans lips but it was hesitant and Evan pulled back, concerned.

"Everything okay?"
Remus felt another ripple of anxiety  and he opened his mouth hesitantly,
"I need you to answer me truthfully okay?"

He'd tried to push the scarf out of his mind but it wasn't working. It didn't work and it was killing him.

"Of course Remus."
"There's nothing between you and Barty?"
Evans eyes widened and he frowned,
"There's nothing between you and Barty right?" Remus repeated, "All romantic relationship between you two is over?"
"Where is this coming from?"
"Just answer tye question Evan, please."
"There's nothing Remus. There is nothing." His hands reached up and caressed his cheeks gently, "now where's this coming from?"

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