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A/N im a bit worried about upcoming chapters not being ready but I'll do my best. Just absolutely swamped atm. wednesday will def have one and i plan to finish Sundays by tomorrow ans start the chapter for after that! so hopefully there will be no setbacks :)

May 5th, 1977

It was as if nothing had changed.

"Did Lucinda ever speak to you?" Dorcas asked, still eyeing Remus' bruised nose. She hadn't believed he'd gotten into a fight with Sirius despite the bruise on Sirius' eye. Which they never did fight so she was right but it was practically the truth.

Potter still gave Remus dirty looks.

"You know what? She never did. It's a bit weird isn't it?" Remus asked, "She asked me out and then just stopped talking to me?"

Sirius still avoided him.

"A little bit. Maybe she's waiting for you to come up to her." Dorcas told him and Pandora nodded along with her.

Remus still sat at the Slytherin table.

"Maybe." Remus pondered, "I should probably talk to her and let her know I'm not interested in her like that."

Regulus pretended he hadn't helped Remus.

"That'd be smart." Pandora said.

Evan hadn't realised the lack of implant.

"I'll go talk to her now-"

Everything was the same.

"Remus sit your ass on that chair."

Except it wasn't.

Remus sat back down and let out a groan as he threw his head back in frustration.
"Dora this is so boring." Remus groaned as he looked back down at the homework infront of him,
"I know. But an essay is an essay Remus, we have to get it done."
"But I really don't want to right now."
"I second that." Dorcas said, "besides, Lucindas over there with her friends. Remus might aswell go talk to her now."

Remus turned his head around and true to Dorcas' word, Talkalot was sat at a nearby table with her friends.

Remus watched her for a moment.

She was pretty and she seemed nice and if Remus thought that he maybe had any interest in girls then he would give it a shot. But he hadn't even so much as even thought about a girl.

Remus surveyed the group and he guiltily found himself checking out a guy he believed to be in the year above him rather then the girl he waa about to have to turn down.

He turned back to Pandora and Dorcas and took a deep breath.

"I'll be back."

He stood up despite Pandoras protests and with what little confidence he had about this situation he began to cross the library towards Talkalot. He got close when suddenly he lost balance when someone shouldered him.

He caught himself on a chair.

"What the-"
"Watch where you're going Greyback." Potter snapped.

It seemed like a quick exchange but Remus saw the dart of his eyes to the ground.
Remus scowled and said nothing before his eyes fell to the floor.

Remus swiftly ducked and swiped it up before standing.  He glanced up and noticed Talkalots whole table was watching him and he froze. He met Talkalots eye before turning away and heading in the direction Potter stormed.

He heard her call his name and so did Pandora and Dorcas but he slipped out of sight quickly. Suddenly Potter was infront of him.

"Did you read it?"
"No." Remus tried to give it back, "I don't need to. I just followed you out."
"Whys he here?" Remus snapped when Pettigrew turned the corner with Sirius. He put up a defensive immediately and a scowl crossed his face.
"Remus?" The werewolf scoffed in Potters direction, "We are not friends."

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