seventy eight

14 2 0

shocker shocker lads

May 20th, 1977

"What do you want?"

Remus stood in the doorway awkwardly. He hadn't spoken to Snape since Easter. They'd avoided each other for more reasons then one.

Remus could see the scar pole through the Slytherins collar. The one from Remus' claws

"I was thinking you could help me-"
"Help you?" Snape laughed and Remus frowned, "help you after you- you- I'm going to makw you watch it again."

"Severus no! Ple-"

They made eye contact and Remus slumped against the door frame.

Remus watched Riddle walk out and he stayed slumped in the floor where he'd been dropped and his body shook from the exertion Riddle had just put him through.

"Remus.." He heard a voice and Remus' eyes flashed up. It was Evan.
"Rosier maybe we-" He didn't hear tge rest. That was Snape.

Snape touched Sirius. Snape hurt Sirius.

A sound short of a roar escaped Remus as he wolfed out and him and Snape crashed to the floor.

A long snout pressed against Snapes nose and the terror in his eyes spoke millions.

"What the- fuck- Rosier get him off of me!" Snape cried but Evan didn't move.

"Nah this is kinda fun to watch."

Remus jaw went to clamp down on Snapes neck but the front teeth merely scratched the skin as a body tackled him down.

It was Fenrir.

"Harlow! The muzzle!" He yelled and Harlow had thrown him the muzzle but Remus had managed to get him off and was gunning straight for Snape.

He was on Snape again.

But as he went for another bite, arms swung around his neck as he was crashing to the floor,
" Greyback now!" Barty yelled, knee on a pressure point on Remus' neck that made him struggle to get out.

His jaw snapped at the air as his body struggle to move, back legs pushing onnthe ground trying to get out of the hold but Fenrir was quicker. The muzzle was smashed onto his mouth and clipped on at the back and Fenrir grabbed him bybthe scruff of his neck and Remus snapped at the air again as Fenrir hauled him towards the door.

He saw Snape on the way out. Oaks and Regulus at his side and Snape just watched Remus.

Remus let out a cry as he crashed into the wall and he held his head.

"I've got scars Greyback. Scars!" Snape yelled as he turned and stomped towards his bed.

"Snape- Snape im sorry. Im so sorry okay? I hadn't meant to. I was just angry." Remus defended, "you were just something i could- no. No. Something that the wolf could turn all it's anger on."
Snape glanced at Remus over his shoulder, still unsure.
"You know me Severus. You've been in my head. You know as much about me as i know about myself."

And that was true. Snape had seen everything at this point. Every small detail of Remus' life post bite.

He didn't know about Remus' parents. And he'd never know. He couldn't risk it.

" You have a point. " Snape said and Remus smiled,
"So please..i just need some information and..and as an actual may have the answers."

love, lupin Where stories live. Discover now