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forgot to post this yesterday :)

April 17th, 1977

"You're aware that I no longer have the trigger?"
"Yes sir."
"That your friend now has possession of the trigger? "
"Yes sir."
"And you are to behave this term?"
"Yes sir."
"And be a good pet?"
Remus took in a deep breath,
"Yes sir."

Fenrir looked him up and down with distaste.

"Good. Be on your way."

Remus turned on his heel, hoisting his bag over his shoulder higher and he stepped out into Hogsmeade.

The rest of the two weeks off had just been rigorous training. He had been given no leeway to mourn or even think much about Jack or Sirius. Fenrir had thrown him into an intensive with whatever the implant in his neck was.

He didn't know what hex was on it but whatever it was had linked to the trigger and was conditioning him to respond to the buzz with whatever command came before of after.

If the trigger was pressed and someone told Remus to kill himself or someone else he would.

He tried not to let it have too much control but there was only so much he could do.

He didn't know which of his friends held the trigger but they were stood waiting for him when he got to tbe train station and he very quickly figured out who possessed it.





"What does this even do Evan?" Barty asked, "Why have you been given a button that doesn't do anything."
"Barty give it back- stop pressing it-" Evan tried to snatch it back but Barty played keep away and continued to press it waiting for something to happen.



His neck cracked left and he came to a stop by them.

"Remus." Regulus said outloud and Evan looked panicked,
"Barty stop pressing it! Stop!" Evan said, "What does it even do- oh."

Barty watched as Remus neck cracked left again and he lifted a hand to his neck and rubbed it gently. It was sore.

He passed the cylinder to Evan who dropped it into his pocket.

"Thank you." He said with a slight groan.

"Sorry." Barty spoke out loud and Remus shrugged dismissively.
"It's whatever."

Remus looked intently over the three boys before him. Evan and Barty seemed okay but Regulus was shaking slightly. The reason Remus didn't know. Remus habitually tried to take a look at Jack but quickly caught himself. He clenched his fists.
" Let's go." Remus told them and he managed to take three steps before he stopped again abruptly and Barty walked into him.
"Remus why did you stop?" He asked and pushed him to the side to keep walking but ge stopped a couple steps later himself.

Sirius was looking over his shoulder as he walked past with a dejected expression aimed at Remus. Dejection and anger and betryal. Remus had betrayed him.

He took a shaky breath.

His eyes searched the boy intently and finally spotted the two slim sticks of wood sticking out of the pocket of his jacket. He sniffled.

His wand and Remus'.

Remus itched to walk forward and grab it but he didn't. He didn't want to provoke Sirius. He'd kept quiet about Remus being who he was, he didn't know why but he did. And he didn't want it to come out now. Not here.

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