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December 27th, 1976

"Lets see it them Remus." Harlow told him, she was withering by the door and eyeing the cloak he still had that was draped over the edge of his bed.

He glanced down at it and gathered it up, throwing it to the other side of the room. Harlow came and sat beside, legs crossed up onto the bed.

Although now Harlow did love Fenrir, Remus knew she didn't always love him but that a couple years before he took Remus. He knew that Fenrir had bitten and taken Harlow when she was fourteen from the back garden of her home in the summer term and turned her. He was only aware because Harlow used to tell Remus a bedtime story when he was first taken, about a girl who was taken and fell in love with her captor.

She told it to Remus up until he was nine.

Remus understood it was meant to be some love story or something but it was just sick. He'd twisted her mind and made her marry him.

Another thing Remus knew what that he wasn't the only kid that Fenrir had bitten. He was the only one Fenrir had bitten so young though, the rest had been older then him. Were older then him. The other werewolves who lived on this house were all products of Fenrir Greyback.

They all were in their 20s apart from one girl who was eighteen. So technically he had siblings, and he hadn't lied to Black but she wasn't actually his sister and her name wasn't Lily and she wasn't younger then him.

There were younger kids freshly turned ones by a year or two. But they weren't kept here, they were under the supervision of other werewolves.

Remus pulled his tshirt up and over his head and Harlow was silent as she observed his back.
"Its bigger then I expected." She observed, but didn't touch, "Our Lord healed the lashes well."

"It doesn't really matter that he healed them. New ones are bound to be given soon, its only temporary relief." Remus said and he looked at Harlow who was frowning. She cared for all of them like they were her own, it would be her only chance at kids.
"If I could get him to stop I would Remus-"
"Remus!" Fenrirs booming voice called from downstairs and Remus let outa laugh.
"Funny." He muttered as he stood up, pulling the shirt back over his head and he went to grah the red hoodie but he drew his hand back and just grabbed his wand instead.

"Its cold Remus." Harlow pointed out and picked up the red hoodie to. hold out to him.
"I'll be fime Harlow." He told her and he pressed a kiss to her head as he walked past before slipping out of the room.

He went down the stairs silently and stopped before Fenrir with a placid gaze.
"Yes sir?"
"Your presence has been requested at the Rosier household." He gritted out, he didn't seem happy at all. He must have had training planned for today and now couldn't do it.
"Don't make me repeat myself."
"In the next half hour." This was something that Fenrir didn't have the authority to turn down. Fenrir msy have been in charge of all of the werewolf troops in the Dark Army but he atill. positioned below any Death Eaters, which the Rosier family were.

"House elf, out the front." Fenrir snapped and Remus spun on his heel, eager.
"Remus," Fenrir spoke quietly but Remus heard it and stopped walking. He didn't turn to look at him, "behave."

Remus said nothing as he powered for the front door.

True to Fenrirs words, there was a house elf out the front. She was sitting idly on a tower or rocks, swinging her feet.
"Ah Young Greyback." She squeaked and with a pop appeared infront of Remus, the rocks fell over, "Dory is here to take you to the Rosier home." She held out a wrinkled hand to Remus and he took it gently and was whipped in an apparation like movement and he gagged as he landed on solid ground.

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