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November 17th, 1976

Remus stayed true to his words and organised an evening with him, Evan, Jack and Regulus to honour Oliver Oaks aswell as others that had been lost in the past two years such as Logan Wolf and Ernie Warrdel.

They'd been waiting for Remus to finally tell Jack and now that he had that morning it was all set in place for that evening.

Remus' ideas about lighting candles had been completely squandered when Jack had suggested they do this muggle thing with parchment and lanterns. It seemed good enough so Remus agreed on it and so did the two younger boys.

They managed to escape Crouch and were all gathered around the far end of the Black lake. Regulus, Jack and Evan were all sat on the ground scratching down words and names on parchment. Remus was stood behind them all, scratching down Wolfs name on a slip of parchment that he rested on his hand as support.

Eveyone else they split between the three of them, Jack's was willing to do anyone dating back to the beginning nevermind that she didn't know them.

Remus wish he could hold the same sentiment but, as much as he felt for all those that hadn't gone on to live now, he didn't feel it was right for him to do so. He was, in a way, a replacement of one of them. Not that he actually was, his participation in the New Generation had been written out since he was five, so he'd always been guaranteed a place.

But it did sometimes feel like that.

So he'd taken the role of making one of the lanterns for Wolf, Evan had offered for him to do Oaks but he shook his head and declined. He believed Evan should have the courtesy of doing Oaks' one. Either way, he knew Logan Wolf more then he knew Oliver Oaks so it felt more appropriate anyway.

Remus' handwriting had never been neat so as he wrote Wolf's name down in a terrible font he couldn't help but feel a little bad so he made it up by drawing a simple stick Wolf beside his name.

He held the slip in his hand and peered and watched everyone continue to write the list of names that Regulus had produced.

He'd been fine observing until Regulus looked up and waved for him to sit down and with a short nod he took the space beside Evan, and due to habit, the blonde twisted and leant his back against Remus' arm with his head still bent over the slips of paper rested against a book for support.

"Sure you don't want anymore names?" Regulus asked Remus who had been watching Regulus' hand twist beautifully on his slips of parchment and made him slightly embarrassed of his own handwriting.
"Yeah I'm sure, I'll let you guys do that whilst I get the lanterns ready." Remus excused as he slipped his wand from his pocket and, very quietly as to not disturb anyone, began transfiguring pieces of parchment into paper lanterns.

By the time he'd finished them, it was well into dinner and the other three had finished the names just after. Now that absolutely no one was out they had peace and quiet.

"Jack, you get the names stuck to the lanterns." Remus instructed, "And Evan make sure they're fire proof."

They both got to work and Remus leant back on his arms and let out a huff of breath now that Evan wasn't laying on him.

Regulus moved and sat beside Remus with his knees pulled up to his chest and his chin resting on his knees.
" You alright Remus? " Regulus asked and Remus moved his eyes from where he was watching Evan to the boy beside him and he offered a smile.
"Yeah, im alright." He said and then his eyes drifted back to Evan but he saw a smirk shift on Regulus' lips so he looked back at the 5th year with raised brows.

"What?" Remus snapped, "What's that look for?"
Regulus wasn't deterred by the sharp tone.
"Oh nothing." He hummed and as he turned his head to look away his expression grew fierce. "Incoming." He spoke loudly.

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