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November 28th, 1976

"Remus, we're in the paper." Jack hissed into his ear and Remus looked up from his bowl of cereal with a questioning expression. "Look!"

Her tone was still hushed as she jabbed at the headline for The Daily Prophet. Remus put his spoon down and grabbed the paper and he almost spat out his cereal at the picture. It was nothing incriminating to expose anyone but it was a moving picture of a new mask side by side a Death Eater mask, a mask he knew to be a prototype of the masks they were to be given when they were finished. The new mask was similar to the one of a DeathEater but the details etched into the mask were blue and seemed to glow dully as they swirled into the devil like horns that sprouted off the top. The eyes were sharp and pointed and as dark as the void.

'A whole new breed of Death Eaters! The New Generation, are they worse then Death Eaters?'

'At a recent raid of what we knew to be one of The Dark Lord's DeathEater bases, Auror Henry Adams who led the invasion to reprimand a handful of the DeathEaters present, reported the findings of a file that fed information about a new group in the Dark Lord's leagues called The New Generation.

No names or any hint to who these people could be were found but alongside the new masks that can only be assumed are being made for this knew league, a name was presented for these soilders on the dark side of the war. The Demons.'

Remus stopped reading and gave Jack an unimpressed look and she just shrugged,
"Keep reading."

'Or as we have named them instead, Soul Demons."

Remus nodded somewhat approvingly. It was better then just The Demons.
He glanced over at Evan and Regulus who were crowded over Barty's copy of the paper and they were already giving Remus worried eyes.

They were thinking the same as him for sure. That this wasn't good.

"Its not completely direct but we're in there. Isn't this too early?" Jack expressed her worry.
"Im sure he'll sort it out." Remus reassured her as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her against him and knocked his head on hers, she knew who Remus meant by he.

"And while he does that we need to think of a new name. The Demons? Soul Demons? Honestly a kid could come up with better names." Remus grumbled to her to which she cracked a wobbly smile to. He went to take another spoonful of his cereal when he was yanked to his feet and the milk that had been on the spoon fell down his front. He hadn't even seen Evan move from the other side of the table.

"Evan! What the hell?" Remus hissed as he wiped at the jumper with his free hand, hoping it would just soak up completely.
"We need to talk." Evan snapped and he began to drag Remus towards the doors. He looked angry and stressed at the same time. They got funny looks on their way out as Remus was telling him that "It was okay" and, "He'll sort it out."

Evan practically threw him against the wall when they got a bit from the Great Hall. Remus glared at him.
"What's gotten into you?" Remus asked his as he rubbed his shoulder from the impact. He didn't look it because he was rather scrawny but Evan was strong, stronger then Remus alot of the time, "I told you that he'd sort it out. You have nothing to worry about."

"That's not it." Evan looked away from him with angry eyes, "You have to tell him today. Tell Barty today or I will."

"Evan no. We agreed-"
"No we didn't agree Remus. You told me. I didn't agree to anything. We're a team and you seem to be making all the decisions." Remus was a bit taken aback by the row and he fell silent. There was more behind the upset then just wanting to tell Barty now and Remus knew it. He didn't have to smell it to know that.

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