
44 2 0

November 12th, 1976

Now that Slughorn was droning on about what he was going to have him and Sirius Black doing for the next four weeks, what McGonnogal had them doing wasn't so bad and he found himself wishing he was back in her office binding the papers.

Professor Slughorn had them scraping the grubby bits off of cauldrons and the chewing gum off of the underside of the tables. By hand. It wouldn't have been so bad if they could've used their wands, Remus decided but Slughorn had them hacking away with a scalpel sort of thing.

Remus was starting on the cauldrons and Black was underneath a table starting with the chewing gum.

They'd been left on their own again, Slughorn had felt it safe enough to do.

The fifth time he heard the Gryffindor gag from across the Remus felt an involuntary gag rise himself and he coughed slightly. He paused what he was doing and glared in Blacks general direction.
"Black, I swear to Merlin if you gag one more time I'll-"
"You'll what?" Black coaxed and Remus scowled when he saw his face pop out from beneath one of the tables. His hair had fully grown back by now and would have settled just below his shoulders but he had it tied back in a ponytail. His grey eyes twinkled mischievously.

"Don't test me Black." He hissed, voice low and eyes narrowed at the other.

Sirius Black really knew how to test his patience. They hadn't been here long, twenty minutes at most out of the two hours they were given and he'd already tried to coax a fight out of the werewolf. Remus didn't know if he was brave or dumb, Black would never beat Remus in a duel or a physical fight. Remus was raised to fight. To win.

"you'll what?" Black snapped at him this time as he repeated the words. Remus' grip tightened on the handle of the scraping tool so significantly that he felt the plastic bend beneath his fingers.

"Fuck off Black." He pressed as he stood up so aggressively the stool he was sat on slid back and toppled with a loud bang. He then stormed towards the doors and Black scrambled out from under the table.
"Where are you going?" Black hissed as Remus yanked the door open, "We have another hour and a half." He sounded a little panicked.

"I need to piss."

Remus walked out and slammed the door behind him. He done his business and when he came back Sirius was sat on a table with a cauldron on his lap as he picked at the inside with his scalpel blindly. He didn't spare a glance as he stalked back to his own cauldron and stopped short when he realised his scalpel was missing.

His head snapped to Black.
"Where's my tool?" He asked, voice unnaturally calm that it seemed to startle Black but he recovered quickly.
"Don't know."
"Black." He warned.
"Fine it's here." He lifted it up and when Remus walked over to grab it, Black pulled it away. "Question first."
"Hurry up." He answered, irritated again.

"How did you do this?" Black asked as he held the scalpel by the blade and presented the dented handle to Remus. A brief wave of panic crossed Remus' features but he quickly covered it as he moved to grab the handle but it was pulled from him again.
"I grabbed it like that, it's like a grip fixture."
"I grabbed one first neither looked like this."
"You're just blind then." He scowled and reached to grab at it again but Black leant back and held it in the air to keep it out of Remus' reach.

Remus was significantly taller then Black but as he was sat on a table they were practically level with eachother. The potions desks were higher then the usual desk. So now that he wasn't able to grab the scalpel he was getting annoyed.

"Black give it."


Remus leant forward again to grab at it but Black leant back further as Remus' thighs knocked on his knees. The tool was held back rather then up. Remus would have rounded the table to grab it but with the way the Gryffindor was sat it was pointless. He could turn to easy.

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