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November 26th, 1976

As expected, Evan was lounging on the main couch when Remus got back to the Slytherin common room. He held a heavy looking textbook above his head and his eyes although staring at the paper seemed to be looking at something far off.

He snapped out of it when Remus got closer.

"Wolfboy!" Evan cheered as he dramatically threw his arms to the side and the book slammed to the floor, "Good to see you in one piece."

Remus grinned at him and rounded the sofa. Evan lifted his head and Remus fell back into the sofa in a not so graceful manner. Evan dropped his head back onto Remus' lap and tilted his head back to look up at him.

Remus looked down at him and smiled softly at the blonde who reached up and moved Remus' hair out of his face.

"When did Regulus go to bed?" Remus asked and Evan shook his head with pursed lips.
"He's not here, he's gone to meet Pandora again." Evan told him and Remus nodded although he knew very much it wasn't Pandora Regulus was going to see. He would tell Evan but it wasn't his secret to tell. Besides, he didn't actually know who it was that Regulus was going to see so it wouldn't be great gossip anyway.

Chances are it was a muggleborn girl that he didn't wnat anyone knowing about because he was of course the heir to the House of Black.

"Where's your jumper and tie Remus?" Evan asked after a few moments of silence, his arm was still stretched out and holding Remus' fringe on the top of his head. Remus met his eyes.
"My ties in my pocket and Black has my jumper."
"What!?" Evan exclaimed and he sat up so abruptly that Remus only whipped his head up seconds before Evans forehead collided with his. The blonde spun around to face Remus with wide eyes.

"Sirius Black has your jumper? Why does he have your jumper?" Evan pressed. Remus laughed at the urgency.
"His got disintegrated by some goop in the stew room so I thought I'd be friendly and lend him mine." Remus told him and Evans frown only deepened and Remus flicked his forehead, "Its just so I can keep him on my good side. Keeps suspicion off me for when the New Generation makes their first debut and keeps bloody James Potter off of my back."

Evans face slowly calmed and he sighed heavily.

"Thank god." he breathed in a sort of mock relief, "Thought you turned like- queer." Evan laughed and Remus eyed him weirdly. This would be a perfect time to voice his worries about everything to Evan.

"Evan?" Remus asked and Evan tilted his head.
"Remus?" Evan asked and his lips tilted into a small almost victorious smile and Remus was about to tell him everything. From how his skin burned wherever Evan touched him to how he wanted to kiss him more then he wanted to conform to Greybacks ideals. There were on the tip of his tounge.


But then he reminded himself he had no worries to talk about because Remus Greyback wasn't gay.

"I think that was the dumbest thing I've ever heard leave your mouth Evan." Remus laughed and Evan laughed half heartedly along with him, "Me? Queer?" Remus felt his chest twist uncomfortably but he ignored it. His brain was more trustworthy then his heart.

His heart would be the death of him. Emotionally and quite literally.

Remus didn't miss the brief flash of dissapointment on his best friends face but he didn't find it worth chasing after as not long after did it dissappear as quick as it appeared and besides if Evan wanted to say something to Remus he would. Evan was like that.

"Good" Evan muttered and his eyes fell shut as he, in one big swoop, had his head on Remus' lap but he was on his side this time and his face was pointed towards Remus' stomach.

Remus stared at him for a bare moment before he smiled.

He placed a gentle hand on Evans head and thread his fingers through the blonde strands. Evans eyes opened as he done this and he tilted his head to look up at Remus and his lips parted.

"Your smile.." Evan whispered and Remus raised a brow iin question but said nothing as he watched one of Evans hands lift and he felt his lips tingle underneath Evans fingertip as he traced the smile slowly, "It's beautiful."

Remus laughed gently and he tilted his head as Evans hand fell to his side.

"You're beautiful." Was what Remus really wanted to say because Evan really was absolutely beautiful but he didn't.

"Thank you."

Evan smiled as a response and he let his eyes shut again and his head fell back on its side as he let out a soft breath.

"You can't sleep here Evan." Remus told him and Evan just lifted one arm and slung it under his head and around Remus' waist slightly.

"Watch me." He taunted before he feel still and silent.

So Remus did. He sat there with his head tilted right and leant against the back of the sofa and watched Evan. He knew that's not Evan meant but he couldn't help it.

For a boy, Evan was beautiful to Remus. He was one of those people that you couldn't really use the term handsome on. Barty and Meadowes were handsome but Evans appearance was much like how he'd portray Jack and Barty. But the beauty Remus saw in them was something entirely different to what he saw in Evan.

Remus saw Evan as so undeniably and irrevocably beautiful. A beautiful absolutely noone he knew could have battled against.

With the way his lips were slightly to pink and had a certain part to them that made them seem inviting, to the curve of his nose and the cowlick in his hair. To the way his chick yellow hair shone like gold in the sunlight but seemed more like the dullness of a fawns belly in the moonlight. Evan was heaven on earth and Remus didn't believe in heaven but it was a good comparison.

Evan Rosier was beautiful.

Evan Rosier was Remus' light.

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