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November 9th, 1976

"McGonnogal has us binding pages upon pages into mini booklets. I'm not even sure what they're for." Remus told Evan, who's head was currently laid on Remus' lap in the common room and Remus who was lazily waving his wand as he cast a self writing spell on his quill and had it start writing his homework. His other hand was buried in Evans hair and he played with the dead ended blonde locks. He needed a haircut bad.

Evan had his eyes shut and was just laying there as they spoke, Remus could feel him leaning into the touch.

"That sounds like it's gonna take longer then four sessions." Evan mumbled, he was relaxed and on the verge of passing out. Remus wouldn't be upset if he did, he'd just wake him up. "Atleast you'll be a freeman before mid December."
Remus chuckled at his words but didn't look away from the floating quill and parchment a foot from his face.

"Yeah." Remus trailed. It was late and Remus had the pair down in the common room alone on purpose. He glanced around and watched as the last Slytherin climbed the stairs to their dorm and then they were on their own. Just Evan and Remus.

Remus had stopped the spell and the parchment and quill softly floated down and landed on the end table. The brown eyed boy averted his eyes and stared at Evan for a moment in silence and just observed the half asleep boy.

Although alot of his hair was pulled back by Remus' fingers, long tufts of it still fell over his forehead, grazing his eyebrows. His eyelids fluttered but remained closed and Remus could see his eyeballs moving slightly beneath them and Remus could imagine the blue darting around Remus' face as he himself was doing to Evan. His nose was pointy and was sort of Roman. His lips were parted slightly and a rosy pink that matched his cheeks.

Remus' breath hitched as he watched Evans tounge dart out and lick his lips. Evans eyes opened at that and Remus met his eyes.

Silence. Just silence.

Then Evans eyes flickered down and Remus felt his lips burn from Evans gaze. His stomach flipped and Remus suddenly felt queasy but he didn't dare move.

Not even when Evans hand slid up his arm and around the back of his neck. Not even when he lifted his head towards Remus'. He only moved when Evans forehead smacked again his mouth and he hissed in pain as his teeth clapped together noisily.
"Evan man, what the fuck?" he growled and he had both hands covering his mouth. Evan was rubbing his forehead and muttering strings of curses.

"Why were you just staring at me?" Evan hissed as he turned with his legs crossed so his back was towards the coffee table and he was faced the back of the sofa.
"I was going to ask you something." Remus admitted and Evans cheeks flushed and Remus scowled.

"Ugh, nothing like that. I'm not some fairy, don't worry. It's about The Club."  Remus told him, voice lowered as he spoke the last few words. Evans cheeks only flushed darker and Remus rolled his eyes. "Oaks is out." He told the blonde hoping it'd straighten him out and it did.

"Out? What do you mean out?" Evan was suddenly red with anger not from being flustered. "Remus I swear if he's-"
"Dead. He's dead." Remus barely whispered and averted his eyes to the slightly frost bitten windows that looked out into the Black Lake and he watched as a large tentacle passed by. He knew what the expression on Evans face was. Horror.
"He- He-" He stammered unable to get the words out. "He was fourteen! He was a child!"

Remus snapped his eyes to Evans and met his eyes with an icy warning glare to quiet down.

"I know he was a kid." Remus hissed and Evan settled and inched closer to Remus so they could speak in hushed voices.
"Do you know why?" Evan asked and Remus shrugged.
"I might be able to find out over Christmas."
"You didn't report him did you Greyback?" Evan asked, voice and eyes accusatory as he searched Remus' eyes and features for the answer.

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