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id watch the dates again but this one isn't hard to figure out at all haha- this should also be the last chapter with any drastic date changes
enjoy :)

July 30th, 1977

"I've tried everything- yes yes I've also tried that. He won't move."

There was a long silence,
"No i can't even force food into him. He won't take it. I think he read the paper-" There was a miniscule, static voice and Aberforth huffed and puffed, "Yes I know I should have been more careful- I just wanted to read up on him before6I harboured-" A pause, "look we'll have to move things up a couple daya so contact everyone and tell them they're coming to get him today."

He kicked a chair,
"Don't argue with me Albus. He's sat by the- Albus?"

Aberforth lat out a growl and kicked the chair again before he left the room.

Remus squeezed his hands tighter as he watched the flames of the the fire flicker lile he had been since he'd sat down by the mantle and he continued to watch for what felt like minutes but must have been hours.

There was a bang and Remus still didn't move. There was yelling, he didn't move.

"Where is he?" A familiar voice asked.

Remus didn't move.

"In there." Aberforth answered and the door opened and someone was at his side, "Look, boy, he read the article where they named the Conductor."
"You left that lying around?" The boy- Sirius snapped. Sirius. Sirius Black.

Remus' head moved to look and Aberforth gaped and Sirius looked at him.

With a single eye.

The eyepatch was real. He'd lost his eye. He felt sick.

Remus looked away.
"Nine people. I've killed nine-"
"two hundred and twenty four..actually." Sirius corrected and Remus forgot how to breathe,
"two hundred and twenty four people." Remus croaked and his fist hit the brick mantle and it shook, a picture frame toppling face down.

"Maybe you shouldn't have told him that right now.", Aberforth commented and Sirius scoffed,
"There's no point in beating around the bush, he deserves the truth."

"Listen Remus, it wasn't you okay? You weren't aware of what you were doing." Sirius reassured,
"I killed them all." Remus spoke and his breath picked up significantly and his eyes flashed amber, "I did it. My hands. My teeth."

Sirius practically fkew away from Remus,
"Aberforth!" He scolded and Remus choked as a muzzle was slapped over his mouth and he twitched as the clasp snapped at the back of his head.

Sirius was at his side again and he had a hold of Remus' hands and they met eyes and Remus was panting heavily, he wondered if the control had been transferred to Sirius

" It wasn't you. It was Evan. It was Riddle. You were being used." Sirius told him, "You were a weapon to them, nothing more. But you're home now. I need you to calm down."

Remus took a deeo breath and a haze washed over him and when he came to he was completely calm. Even breathing and steady hands.

It had. Any control Evan had was gone, Sirius had it and he wasn't even aware. Remus had to tell him.
"Can- can we take off this muzzle." Remus asked and he brushed gis fingers over the cage.
"No..not yet." Sirius said and his hand found Remus' hair and he smiled,
"They didn't cut it. Its pretty long now." Sirius changed the subject and Remus just stared at him and the Gryffinfor smiled sadly.

"I missed you Remus. A year- its been over a-"

It took Remus a couple moments to realise what Sirius had just said. He had to have misheard.

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