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December 31st, 1976

"Remus, Our Lord requests your presence." Fenrir told him, hand holding the doorway tightly. Remus looked up from his book, "all of your presences I think. Get dressed, look presentable." And he was gone. Remus frowned, he wasn't sure how long he had but he'd take a shower anyway.

He threw on the same mock suit and tie he wore at his first ever meeting, all black, and dried his hair with a towel before he made his way downstairs. Fenrir was lounging and eating dinner.

"Are you not coming with?" Remus asked and Fenrir shot him a livid look,
"He asked just for you."

Remus nodded,
"Okay, I'll be off then."
"Behave." Fenrir warned, like he always did.

Remus turned out the door after he made sure his wand was tucked in his pocket and he was determined. Determined to behave, to impress the Dark Lord.

When he arrived, there was a DeathEater who escorted him to a room Remus wasn't familiar with and once he was in the room, the door shut behind him.
He wasn't the last to arrive but he wasn't the first. With still damp hair he moved and sat beside Evan who was talking to Crabbe. Evan glanced over at Remus with wary eyes before he smiled.

Crabbe went quiet and turned to talk to Nesbit.

Remus offered a shaky smile back yesterday and they both knew they had to talk about yesterday.
"What do you reckon we're here for? Mum and Dad are throwing a New Years party and I don't want to miss it." Evan told him ans Remus' brows raised,
"You have New Years parties aswell?"
"You don't?"

Remus felt a twinge of embarrassment in his chest.

"No, Fenrir doesn't really like people." Remus excused and Evan nodded as if he understood what Remus meant and Remus really doubted that he did understand.

"Right well, maybe you can come to one of ours sometime, maybe tonight?" Evan suggested and Remus liked the idea and he had to swerve himself from kissing Evan to patting him on the back in a very buddy way. Evan choked on air.
"Maybe." Remus shrugged although he knew he wouldn't. Fenrir wouldn't let him.

"Okay, Remus look-" Evan was cut off as the door opened and the four boys turned at the rush of power that weighed on them.
Remus' face fell blank as Lord Voldemort walked into the room with two Death Eaters, Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix Black, on his flank.

"Thank you four for coming. It was meant to be seven of you but due to family and other reasons the others have been unable to join us." The Dark Lord explained, "You four are our representatives, I'll need you to put these on."

It was then Remus noticed the three ivory white and one wine red set of robes and a sort of uniform floating alongside him along with four intricate looking silver masks that looked pretty much the same as the prototypes from the paper but instead of the glowing blue it was red.

Each robes floated towards the boys, the white landing in Nesbits, Crabbes and Evans arms and the wine red in his own. He looked down at the colour and grimaced. Red?
Then a mask floated to each of them and they all looked the same bar one difference, Remus' had longer horns. All of the masks had the intricate lining designs in red and the same smiling face.

"Is this a try on?" Remus asked. He lookes up and frowned when he realised the three adults were gone. He paused and took a deep breath, "lets get changed then."

Remus pulled at the lace on the vest, frowning at the feeling of it. It reminded him on a regency sort of thing and he liked the era and the style but he didn't feel it suited him.

The vest was a satin sort of material on the top, mainly black with the same wine red as the cloak for the swirling details, underneath was a thick leather that felt suffocating. The trousers were a set of thick combat trousers that sat baggy on him. He had a fabric long sleeve beneath the vest aswell which the edges were hidden by equally as black fingerless gloves.

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