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October 31st, 1978

After having been held in the Order base, a large warehouse type building somewhere in the mountains of Lochgoilhead that Sirius said had a muggle deterrent on as did his old home, Remus was finally glad to be out and in an actual home.

The Potters had relocated from their manor in Bristol to a large house among muggles in Exeter.

After the fire they made the decision to blend in among the muggles more to avoid being found again. Their new address was listed nowhere in the ministry as a precaution. They'd been a target once, they couldn't risk being a target again.

So, for Halloween, Dumbledore allowed Remus to go to their home.

Remus was more overjoyed then James was about going home.

"I'll take Moony shopping for a costume." Peter said as they grabbed fistfuls of floo power,
"Have you guys already gotten them?"

Remus watched the floo dribble out of his hand,
"Are we sure Diagon Alley is safe for me?" Remus asked and Sirius pulled him down for a long kiss,
"Yes, you both have glamour charms that are done so well that kissing you feels foreign. You look like you could be my brother."

Remus followed Peter through the floo.

As high as being in Diagon Alley concerned him, Remus was bubbling with excitement. He'd never stepped foot in Diagon Alley.

His wand was handcrafted crafted by a provider within Riddles organisation. All his books were hand me downa from Death Eaters and his school robes had been hand fitted by Harlow since he was eleven. She'd gotten better at it over the years.

Remus looked at himself in mirrors as he passed them. He could have passed as a Black.

No scars. Pointed Features. Dark hair. Pale skin. Though his height was the same as usual, atleast he assumed it was, he felt no shorter.

"How am I going to choose a costume when I don't look like myself?"
"If you focus enough, you'll see your normal self in a reflection."

Remus tried and he did. It was brief but he saw it.

"That's cool."

He looked back at Peter who, even if he focused enough, couldn't see his normal face.

"It only works on yourself. Stop staring at me."


When they got into the shop Peter visibly relaxed and he turned to Remus with a smile and reached and tugged on his cloak,

"Come on. Sirius hid one for you when we here a the other day." Peter said and Remus followed him,
"Were you guys here when I was in training?" Remus asked ans Peter nodded as he abruptly crouched down and Remus almost tripped on him.

"Yeah, we had some free time and.." He stopped speaking at his whole body paused as he thought about how to word the sentence, "We needed to distract Sirius. He paces himself to bed everytime you're down there Moony." He said, his tone strained as he continued to reach past the rack of clothing, "Im glad he's speaking to me and James again but he's not the same as before."

Peter almost fell on his ass as he dislodged a bag but Remus caught him with his leg.

Peter glanced at it,
"Strong leg."

Remus grimaced.

"Look. With what he's been through it's expected Peter." Remus said anx Peter stayed crouched and he stared down at the bag in his hands and his grip tightened on it,
"I know that. I know but we've all been through shit." Peter grit his teeth, "Every now and then I lose the mobility in my right arm because of these burns. It's all psychological, nothing physical."
"And you know what else? Im the one who gets put on the line all the time." He complained, "On the field and we're worried there's a trap, oh don't worry it's okay Pettigrew is here, we'll use him as bait. Or- or if there's- there's-"

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