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February 28th, 1977

"How old are you Remus?"
"What? Whens your birthday?"
"So we can celebrate it duh."

Remus laughed,
"i don't really celebrate my birthday." Sirius blanched at that, practically launching off the window sill and marched at Remus who was sat on his bed.
"How can you not celebrate your birthday Remus Greyback?" Sirius bombarded, "It's like the one day that revolves around just you, like James' birthday is at the end of March and we're already planning the massive party we're gonna throw in the common room. You're invited by the way."
"Its his party though, doesn't he get to choose who goes?" Remus asked and Sirius laughed and leant on the bedpost Remus was sat beside and gazed down at him,
"Its a surprise party. Wel he knows it going to happen because it happens every year so it's not too much of a surprise but he pretends." Sirius told him, "so we get to choose who goes ans that's pretty much all Gryffindors and a couple of others like Dorcas and Lily wanted to invite Pandora and now you aswell."
"Cool, what are you planning for it?"

Sirius' face lit up,
"Well first we want to open it up with-wait! Stop trying to get the subject off you again. You've been doing it all evening." Sirius accused, "But not this time. You're busted, buster."
"Worth a try." Remus laughed and Sirius tutted him playfully.
"So?" He asked, "Whens your birthday?"

"Fenrir says March 10th. Merlin knows that could be wrong but its what he told me so I kinda have to go with it." Remus told him,
"Remus that's so soon, why didn't you tell me?"
"I don't want it to be a big deal." He said and his eyes fell to hia lap, "if you want to do anything only let it be something small please." Remus said ans Sirius' hand reached out for his face and tipped his chin up and Remus met his eyes with a smile.
"Of course. It can be just us if that's what you want?" Sirius suggested and Remus shrugged,
"Surprise me."

"Surprise you huh?" Sirius questioned as he moved to sit on Remus' lap before pushing him to lay down. Remus lifted his hands and took hold of the Gryffindors cheeks.
"mhm. Nothing too much though."
"mm." Sirius hummed and he leaned down to. press a kiss to Remus' lips when the lock on the door clicked.

Sirius flew off of him, and onto his feet with a slight stumble and Remus sat up.

They both turned to the door where Dibbens walked in and he paused when he saw the pair.

"oh you're here." He said to Sirius ans Sirius nodded,
"yeah, that okay?"
Dibbens looked towards Remus before looking back at Sirius.

"Yeah of course, I just thought you'd have been with your mates. Its brutal down there." Dibbens laughed as he dropped his bag on his bed.
Sirius' expression fell serious,
"What do you mean?"
"Well Peck hit your brother-"
"Regulus?" Remus jumped in,
"Yes Regulus, i don't know why before you ask. They got into this heated argument and Potter and Pettigrew got involved when Regulus was hit. *

" Where are Evan and Barty? And Jack?" Remus stood, scooping his scarf up,

" I don't know, I got out of it as quick as I could."

Sirius was out of the door,

"where is this?" Remus asked as he grabbed Sirius' coat,

Remus walked out after the Gryffindor.

"Courtyard!" Remus called as he watched Sirius reach the portrait.

It must have been brutal but by the time Remus got there, Peck was no longer in the fight and it was Potter arguing with Regulus.
Peter was talking to McGonnogal and Peck was sat on the fountain as Pomfrey attended to a swelling cheek.

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