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November 24th, 1976

Remus was pleased to say he had definitely earned pity points with Black. His story had sold it.

Potter seemed to lay off of the nasty looks and the obscene gestures and Pettigrew seemed to lay off of the wild stares. Remus wasn't sure what Black had told his friends but he knew it wasn't the truth, there was no pity in there eyes. Only avoidance.

It felt nice, he couldn't lie about that. There was a sense of peace that he adored. He rarely got peace.

"Remus." Regulus spoke after he spent god knows how long chewing a large bite of garlic bread that Meadowes had dared him to take, she'd started sitting with them every second day. Regulus didn't like garlic bread, nor did he eat in such unruly large bites. That was how Regulus put it anyway.

"mm?" Remus hummed as he turned his focus from his almost empty plate to the black haired boy sat beside him.

The boy took a long swig of pumpkin juice before he spoke.

"My brothers staring at you again." He informed. Remus looked up and true to Regulus' word, Sirius Black had his eyes boring into Remus. He'd been doing it at breakfast this morning aswell. Remus looked away and met eyes with Evan who shrugged gently. Both of them knew why he was staring and both knew Remus didn't want to talk to Black about anymore of it.

"Sooo.." Meadowes spoke loudly, obviously not liking the weird silence that fell over the group, "you know how ive been seeing Marls over the summer? Well she finally kiss-"

Remus narrowed his eyes as Barty launched himself at Meadowes and tackled her to the ground with a shriek. Multiple people turned to look at them with annoyed looks but soon turned away.

"Barty, mate, what the hell?" Meadowes hissed and went to push him off when he shoved her down by her shoulders and hissed a few words in her ears before he stood up and dusted himself off.
"Okay Cas?" He asked as he helped her up. Remus frowned when her eyes flickered to Remus' then back to Barty and she nodded.
"Okay." She muttered and sat back down beside Jack and pat her back to make sure she was okay.

"What was that about?" Remus asked Barty who just offered a silly smile and waved a dismissive hand.
"Nothing to worry your pretty little head about Greyback."

Remus rolled his eyes and cast a nervous glance towards the Gryffindor table and immediately looked away when he saw Black still watching him. It was so unnerving. Not unnerving enough to tell him to stop because it'd strike up a conversation he didn't want to have. Sympathy from Sirius Black is not something he wanted.

"Right, Regulus-" He looked towards where Regulus had been and the younger boy wasn't in his seat and Remus frowned. "What?"
"He left a couple minutes ago Rem." Evan told him as he slipped into Regulus' seat and pulled an arm around his neck to pull his head closer to his own with a devious smile, "He's gone to meet Dor, I think he likes her. Im sure its who he's sneaking off to see all the time." Evan whispered and Remus smiled at him with a short laugh.

"Regulus sneaks off?" He asked, clearly amused and Evan nodded eagerly.
"Yeah, all the time! Wish it wasn't with my cousin though. But who am I to stop them?" Evan shrugged and let out a swooning sigh, "Young love."

Remus laughed at Evans show and scanned the Ravenclaw table for Evans cousin and frowned when he spotted her.

"Uh, Evan?"
"Yes Wolfboy?" Evan asked as he slipped his arm away from Remus' neck.
"Isn't that your cousin?" He asked and Evan followed Remus' gaze to the Ravenclaw table and his jaw slammed open.

Pandora Rosier was practically bright red as she laughed at some joke Xenophilius Lovegood had told her and she had her hand resting on his arm in a gentle, loving way. Evan must have gotten something wrong.

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