Author's Note

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Good day, everyone. If you're familiar with me, you know I've promised not to write more fics and focus entirely on originals... As you can see, I failed to keep my word.

A little something happened in life that made me sad, so I started writing something I don't have to think too hard about to improve that mood. So far, it worked. ^_^

Now I have a fic that's going pretty strong after 3 days of typing it. I figured I'd post it in case you all will find it entertaining.

Be forewarned, this fic does not do anything others do not. It's strikingly lacking in creativity. At least, it is up to the point where I'm at.

Know that I have no particular update schedule for this and it will only receive minimal editing. If you point out grammar or spelling issues, I'll be happy to fix them though. The chapter lengths are also hugely inconsistent. Some might be 700words, others, 3000ish.

It will be a finished fic, even if the pacing comes off as rushed at times.

It has mature themes and some steamy scenes, but it doesn't go full on details so I hesitate to call it smut. I'll make a note if that changes.

I plan to include 1-2 OCs in this book. They can be OCs from my other works or new ones. Any suggestions? If you do have one, you can comment and I'll see what I can do. Just looking for a change of pace that's different from what I usually do. No recommendation, no sweat. I'll think an OC up.

Well, that's all from me for now. Happy reading. :D

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