93. Hardest Pregnancy

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I woke to the most delicious smell...only to turn over and hurl across a wall of scales. I didn't have time to apologize to Curtis before my stomach rolled again. What a terrible way to wake up as a newlywed.

Shuu dove for the puke bucket and handed it to me with impressive speed and practiced coordination. He saved Curtis from receiving any more of my stomach contents.

I wretched continuously for the next ten minutes, silently cursing all the while. This pregnancy only seemed to get worse as time went on. I didn't have time to think as tears stung my eyes. I hate puking so much. It's a terribly shitty feeling on top of the pain from my burning esophagus.

Curtis didn't care about the puke and focused on holding Grace's hair back. His wonderful mood hadn't diminished entirely and it probably wouldn't no matter how much Grace vomited on him.

His gaze fell on Grace's left shoulder where his mark coiled. The head of the miniature version of his beast form rested on the curve where her shoulder met her collarbone. It pointed towards her neck while the rest wound around her shoulder.

Another heave wracked Grace's body pulling him out of his thoughts. "What can I do?" he asked. Seeing the shine of tears in Grace's eyes and the expression on her face caused his features to draw. He regretted his lack of foresight. He should've learned more about sickness caused by unborn cubs.

Harvey came forward, carrying ginger tea in one hand and a burning stick of wrapped peppermint leaves. He set down the incense in case the smell would be too overwhelming and addressed Curtis's question.

"Rub slow circles on her back," he ordered lightly. "Is that okay, Grace?" Harvey reached for one of Grace's hands and started a gentle massage.

I nodded but didn't dare speak. I was positive that if I did, more than just words would leave my mouth.

I need to think about something else. Anything else. When I felt the light pressure on my bare back, I concentrated on it. I let my mind follow the movement while trying not to taste the bile in my mouth.

With my shaky, uncoordinated hand that wasn't being massaged, I reached for the cup that the now-present Cooper held out to me. I took it and swished out my mouth with the water. Then I repeated with the ginger tea. Anything to get that nasty, harsh taste out of my mouth.

"Can we do anything?" whispered the high-strung Cooper.

Mitchell was ready to pounce. On what exactly, he didn't know. He couldn't attack what was making Grace ill, so he stood still. "Harvey?" he asked.

I looked around after regaining some of my bearings. My family was surrounding me and looking awfully concerned. The only one absent was Muir.

It occurred to me that I wasn't wearing anything, but was it so wrong that I couldn't give a damn right now? I felt another wave of nausea and continued to fill the bucket I was given. This part of pregnancy really sucks.

It took way too long for me to finally stop. When I did, I apologized to Curtis for giving him a gift that no one would want. I was incredibly grateful that he didn't care and let my exhaustion drop me back into sleep.

I wasn't out for long. The feeling of a warm rag on my skin brought me back enough. I had a cup placed to my lips soon after and drank it without hesitation. Curtis dutifully cleaned me while I sipped water carefully. I waited a few seconds in between each sip to make sure my stomach wouldn't send it back.

I breathed a relieved sigh when it didn't and slowly finished my drink. I leaned back into the cool arms and shivered in response. I was so tired. And sorry. This was a pretty shitty morning after for both of us.

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