69. Here She Is

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Over the course of those months, I occasionally visited with the leopard queen and the former wolf queen. I never denied them, but I can't say I went out of my way either. I should try though, especially since not having a single friend in this world was a little sad. Neither of the two were very happy that I didn't come to see them, however...

The leopard queen, I could understand. But I have a very good reason not to visit Holly. The former wolf king and queen still live in the castle. The castle in which Rosa lives. No, thank you.

I have managed to avoid explosive conflict with her, but only barely. With her strongest mate away, she apparently had enough intelligence to not pick a fight with me. Not that Bart could make a big enough difference even if he was here...

For her sake and my good mood, I hope she stays away.

And back to the leopard queen and her visit. She coerced me, in a friendly manner, into promising her a visit. I found myself agreeing without putting up a lot of struggle. It was hard since I actually liked Memi.

So today is that promised visit with the leopard queen. The leopard castle was more adorned with decorations than the tiger or wolf castles. Especially the throne room and entranceway. The leopard king didn't strike me as the type to care about this kind of thing, so I'm betting this was his queen's preference.

"The tiger queen has arrived," announced a guard.

Shuu didn't blink at the announcement, and I let myself in.

"Grace," called Memi from the second floor. "I'm glad you have come."

Memi was flanked by two of her mates who she paid little attention to at the moment. When was the last time she had a guest that she actually wanted to see? Was it 10, or maybe 20 years ago?

"Thank you for inviting me." I passed her my housewarming gift. They were honey crackers. Bread baking wasn't going well at all, but I did get somewhat successful tortilla shells and crackers made.

Memi accepted the gift while trying not to show her greed for it. "These are?"

"They are crackers. They are a little dry, so you will want to have a drink close at hand."

Memi sniffed the cracker and detected honey and something else. Honey was valuable, and this gift was a good one. One of her mates went off to grab a drink while Memi nibbled on the snack.

I waited for her verdict patiently.

"Hmm." Memi liked it. It wasn't as amazing as some of the other things Grace has made, but it was still pleasant. She especially enjoyed the crunch. "Good."

With a passing score given to my crackers, Memi led me to a stone table that was loaded with fruit platters and simple dishes. Two males waited with large leaves ready to fan their mate along with a young male I recognized.

"Cooper?" It had been a while since I saw him. I thought he moved on.

Cooper stood taller, but his eyes danced around shyly. "Yes, Tiger Queen." He was thrilled she remembered him.

Shuu's steely look bored into the male, but Cooper only offered Shuu a leaf. Naturally, Shuu would not fall short of expectations and took the leaf. He would make sure Gerace stayed cool.

"Sit, sit," said the leopard queen as she did so herself. "I hope you don't mind, but I asked for Cooper's help." The leopard queen said with a sly smile. "I thought you might be more comfortable with someone you are familiar with."

That was boloney and we both knew it. I smiled politely but didn't call her out. "Thank you for your consideration."

The leopard queen nodded, but the look in Grace's eyes was too sharp for a fool. Memi changed the topic quickly and turned it to the improvements that went on in the tiger territory.

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