54. Babies

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I was under the wrong impression about tiger babies. They were so small, so I thought giving birth would be a breeze compared to human children.

I wasn't entirely wrong, but I was far from right. The birth was quick, but contractions still hurt like a mother-fu-! Gasp!


None of the males present had a clue what Grace said, but they knew asking her now was not the right time. Harvey and Winston stayed by her side while Shuu and Muir made sure Curtis wasn't allowed anywhere near Grace at this time. Their protective instincts wouldn't allow it.

Winston let Grace grip his good hand hard enough that he found it uncomfortable, but he didn't allow any indication of that.

Harvey helped prop Grace up so she would have an easier time birthing. He had a bowl of warm water with a rag ready to clean her and the cubs off and cotton pads to help with any bleeding that might happen.

I let a few more profanities slip and gave a strong push. Out the first cub came according to Harvey. But I didn't get a break before the next one was coming.

It wasn't hard, just painful. The whole process took a couple of hours at the most. I say the contractions started way earlier than necessary. From the time the first one's head was out, to the delivery of the second, couldn't have taken much more than thirty minutes.

Harvey cleaned up the babies and took care of the umbilical cords. Both wiggled in his grip with energy. He sighed away the stress he built up watching his mate give birth and smiled.

"They are both healthy. Congratulations," Harvey said with sincerity.

I caught my breath before holding my hands out for them. I received the two balls of damp fur and held them close. Their little eyes remained closed, as they would for the next week, and their tiny ears could barely be distinguished from the rest of their heads.

I breathed easier knowing the little kittens were healthy. Considering all the stress I was under and the 10-day early birth, I was concerned that they might be affected. The two babies might have weighed around three pounds each, but it could be two.

Harvey and Winston have assured me that they aren't especially small for tiger cubs. With that confirmation, I handed them off to their dad.

"Congratulations to us, Winston." I turned to Harvey. "All of us."

Harvey nodded, warmth traveling from his heart to his fingertips. "Yes."

With a crystal newly added to my system, I didn't need to nap immediately. I was able to wait for the two to get hungry. After they were fed, I whispered to them until I fell asleep.

My nap was much too short. The boys already needed another meal.

While Grace rested, the small and frail cubs were passed around. Each male memorized their scents. Although Curtis wasn't allowed to touch them, he did the same.

Welcoming the first litter to the family was a joyous moment that couldn't be ruined by the bleak weather. The newborn cubs didn't know it, but they would be some of the most spoiled and well-protected male cubs in the village.

When I woke up the next day, I ate another crystal to boost recovery. It had the intended effect, but I remained bedridden to satisfy my jumpy mates. I ate one more crystal the next day even though I didn't absolutely need it. Taking one at a time shouldn't put me in danger, especially when all that extra energy is going towards my recovery.

The amount totaled three. I was nearly fully recovered by the fourth day and bursting with energy. That was the power of the transparent crystals. Then again, my cubs' birth was an uncomplicated one.

With my family finally whole again, I had no intention of sending any away to collect more. But in the future, it will happen. But all in due time. Right now, I just wanted to enjoy what we had.

I can't say I immediately connected to my cubs on a spiritual level. They were absolutely adorable and I planned to spoil them when I could, but it didn't hit me that they were my children.

I didn't hold it against myself, allowing me a break from an emotional issue. I logically knew they were mine. Even if emotionally, I connected as if they were the cutest cats I've ever adopted.

Aside from the inability to sleep more than an hour at a time thanks to the boys' feeding schedule, they were easy to take care of. Even when they opened their tiny, wittle eyes, they couldn't see enough to make trouble.

So I enjoyed the golden days. I didn't leave the den much, which was a shame, but I did get a lot done while on my downtime. I got some handicrafts, woodworking, and sewing done.

I spent time with my family though we took it easy on the bedroom activities. I did make an exception for Winston since he was feeling really bad about being a hairless cat.

As for Muir, I wasn't willing. This was the only punishment I could think to give him. Yes, he apologized, but actions have consequences that can't be brushed under a rug with a simple apology. Muir is learning that now, and hopefully, the rest learn from this example.

To be fair I was still irritated at both of them. I still held a level of irritation knowing that they would throw their lives away if it meant protecting mine.

I was not angry at that. I was just frustrated that it had to be that way. Because of that, those activities were a little different than usual. Not that Winston complained.

Shuu and Harvey could not be neglected either, so I kept busy. It wasn't like we could do much for long with the kids needing me, and I was fine with that. I can't speak for my mates though and won't try to. They wanted kids and having them meant fewer adult times and getting craftier with the time we do have.

I monitored Curtis closely when I wasn't being intimate with my mates. We have avoided bloodshed by some miracle, but not fights. Muir and Winston felt the need to duke it out with Curtis, and I didn't stop them. I did give them a friendly reminder not to take it too far, and they listened as they should.

It wasn't like the pecking order would change. Curtis would be at the bottom of the family hierarchy no matter what. But they felt the need to test both him and themselves, and Curtis was happy to oblige.

Aside from a few close calls of challenge, Curtis was behaving. I could see the effort he put into not smacking Muir around, but I still couldn't trust him enough to take my eyes off of him. That being said, I decided to make the most of our relationship and talk to him.

Curtis was intelligent. I can't say he was at Harvey's level, but that could be Curtis's more quiet nature interfering with how I perceived him.

He seemed to pick up on things faster than Mitchell. Though Mitchell had been made a little stupider thanks to his new emotions running his show.

And I found it fairly ironic how Muir and Curtis were similar in regard to craftiness. I bet I could start a small war if said that to their faces though.

But Curtis was listening to me. With his ears too. Thanks to his good behavior, I spoke to him less defensively as time went on.

Watching my cubs start to run around got the gears in my head turning. Ideas and the plans needed to make them reality came together. Despite the gravity of some of these ideas, I didn't feel overwhelmed.

If anything, I felt excited. This past war taught me something important about myself. And once I recognized it, I was intent on changing.

Seeing Winston and Muir both injured or absent like they were reminded me how powerless I used to feel in the City of Flame. Relying on a wild card like Curtis paralleled my dependence on Mitchell from back then.

I couldn't stand it. And I won't let it happen again. 

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