106. Take It In

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Before meeting with the locals, I dived head-first into organizing the house. The guys did a wonderful job so far, but there was much to be done.

The 'guys' were thrilled that Grace was staying inside. Although unpacking was not what they would consider resting, they knew it made Grace feel better. While Grace made their house feel like a home, they split off into groups to tackle the necessities.

Curtis, Cooper, and Mitchell were on house duty with Grace and the female cubs. Harvey went to his clinic to prepare it while also taking the time to pay a house call to both females who were receiving in the upstairs rooms.

Shuu immediately started organizing the patrols, although Winston had already done that...the wolf male got involved anyway. The city beasts that had followed them, and stayed, listened to Shuu easily enough, but not the scorpions and rootless. Strength was law and Shuu had to prove to them that he was worth following, just like Winston and Mitchell had to do.

Muir took care of the hunting and Winston joined him after he made sure the depressed Shuu was treated by Harvey. None of his wounds were severe, but there was no hiding many of them.

The villagers buzzed around using every opportunity they could to try and see the females that moved there. They had questions and interests, but they weren't allowed close enough to get answers. At least, no answers from the mouths of the females.

Would they really be given a second chance? That is what most of them wondered. And until a female reached out and made that answer a 'yes' they would continue to wait holding equal parts hope and disbelief in their hearts.

While the beasts continued to mill around with their curiosities unsatiated...

"We should make a towel rack and a closet. Maybe an armoire would be good..." I muttered as I folded fur after fur.

Curtis had no idea what an armoire was, but he would help build it. "The design...?" Grace was so involved in her task that she hadn't heard him. Then again, Serenity was currently squealing and it was hard to hear over that.

"Hold still Serenity, you'll get poop on—oh, come on." Mitchell grimaced as his lovely daughter literally pooped on him. "You weren't done?"

Serenity shrieked something fierce, but the sound wasn't one of discomfort. She was having the time of her little life, and fully at the expense of her sire.

Hope's giggling began once the fart sounds started, making her the second person in the room who was in a great mood.

"You two think this is funny, huh?" Mitchell was pretty grossed out, but it wasn't the first time this happened. Not even the second. His voice had no real bite to it at all.

I heard the squealing laughter and dropped everything in my hands to go take a look. I found poop. More specifically, poop smears everywhere and two laughing babies. I smiled and sighed before saluting Mitchell. I would like to make my girls laugh more, but I'm not sure I'm willing to wear poop for it. Mitchell could have this one.

"You don't want to help?" Mitchell asked as he wiped his dirty finger on a rag.

"I think you have this handled," I said confidently.

If Mitchell was still naive he would've thought that was a compliment and taken it at face value, but he wasn't. "I know what you're doing."

"Oh?" I leaned against one of the stone pillars. "Do tell."

Cooper picked up the dropped rags and folded them neatly all while listening to the conversation closely. His tail twitched a lot, but he was happy. Grace was sounding more normal now. More happy.

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