61. New Style

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Since the main bedroom was the first to be tackled during the cleaning efforts, it was ready for me and my family despite our early arrival. It was all set up and I exaggeratedly fell face-first onto the bed.

Shuu laid the cubs down in their basket that was weaved by me. I tilted my head just enough to see two plump tiger cubs catching the zzz I wanted. I crawled the rest of the way into bed but didn't let myself fall asleep yet.

"Shuu," I started. "How is it?"

Harvey and Muir busied themselves with scenting up the room, but they listened keenly. Winston stayed long enough to hear the report but planned to get back to work right after.

Shuu spoke clearly, but quietly after Winston gave him a nod. "The ape king holds more than half the power in the city. The current wolf king," Shuu internally saddened, but didn't let it interrupt his work, "Bart answers to my father in most matters. And my father answers to the ape king."

Shuu stopped to make sure Grace was still awake before continuing. "A small portion of wolves listens to me, but they are not many."

I grunted to let him know that I was listening and not sleeping.

"The tiger clan is in disarray, with little to no order." Shuu lifted his lip in distaste. "Winston will have that taken care of."

A dangerous glint in Winston's eyes promised that those words were true.

"The leopard king holds about a third of the power right now, but keeps his neutral position." Shuu smiled knowing that wasn't entirely true.

"Got it," I said. "Anything else?"

"Only news on the wolf queen and the security efforts."

"Thanks. Those can wait until tomorrow." No sense in getting worked up over them now. They can wait for me tomorrow.

Shuu nodded in agreement even though Grace couldn't see it from her position.

I fell asleep with extreme speed.

I took my sweet time getting up the next day. The babies being as they are, woke me up twice in the night. That's a significant improvement from once every hour, but it did leave something to be desired in terms of sleep.

I bought an extra couple of hours of shut-eye in the morning to make up for it. With the mid-morning sun coming in through the cracks in the fur window curtain, I stretched exaggeratedly.

For the first time in a very long time, I woke up without a mate by my side. I instinctively touched on the bonds and found everyone but Mitchell close by. My cubs weren't around either. With a quickening heartbeat, I assured myself that my spouses wouldn't just leave them unattended.

Once calm, I took a look around the room. It was quite huge really. I think it was around the size of our den in Camel Hump Valley. It was very spacious but chilly. We would need to find a way to make it warmer for the winter. What did Qingqing do again? Build an underfloor heater?

We'd have to permanently alter the castle for that. Not that this castle would see another king, but we'd need to be careful of foundational issues... I'll talk to Winston about it.

I glanced around the room as I slowly got up. My bare feet hit the floor but it wasn't hard or cold. Under my feet leading all the way to the door, were furs. I smiled. The whole floor wasn't covered, but anywhere I could immediately walk was.

"How sweet..." Winston and Shuu know how to spoil me.

I wiggled my toes in the fur, enjoying the sensation. Once I was ready to move on, I put on the pair of socks and change of clothes waiting for me. It was a new outfit. One made of from a wild white tiger fur.

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