110. Sieg

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"When I get to the clinic, I want you all to wait outside. Okay?" I made us stop until they all agreed. They need to behave.

The boys agreed readily, but a few of them had plans to peek into the window. They'd still be outside and, therefore, following their mom's order.

Mitchell warned off the beasts that tried to approach Grace. It wasn't often that Grace had so few of her mates around her and they were taking their chances. But Mitchell was not a pushover. Even if he'd slacked on anything that could be called training, he wouldn't lose to the village beasts.

When the community center came into view and a certain bear male stood in front of him, his eyes narrowed in calculation. He hadn't fought Arther but maybe he should.

Mitchell scrutinized the male closely but didn't see hearts in his eyes. Was he not interested in Grace?

"Mitchell." I coughed. "Not now."

He shrugged and agreed. "Not now."

I sighed and dragged the smartass aside. "Boys, you know the rules. Cooper?"

Cooper heard his name from inside and hastily exited through the window. "Yes!"

"Can you watch the cubs with Mitchell?"

"What? Wasn't I going with you?" How could he feel out the crocodile male from out here?

I shook my head. "The cubs, please? Winston should be inside?" I turned the statement to a question and looked at Cooper for confirmation.

Cooper nodded vigorously.

"See. I'll be fine." But I don't trust the villagers around my cubs. Not well enough anyway.

Mitchell was ready to protest until Grace motioned for him to lower his head. Curious, he complied. He was sure there was nothing she could whisper that would convince him to stay.

He felt something warm and squishy on his cheek and it short-circuited his brain for a moment. Why did he have to go with Grace again?

Grace-1, Mitchell-0.

"Thanks, Mitchell." I turned from the frozen guy to my boys. "Behave, Okay? I'll be out soon."

The onlookers burned with jealousy. The majority couldn't understand how Mitchell was so lucky.

Arthur stepped off to the side as his eyes tracked the not-so-sneaky cubs as they inched closer to the window. A quick glance showed that Mitchell had not moved and that the leopard male was indecisive about stopping the cubs or not.

Arthur said nothing while shadowing the group. His soft spot for cubs prevailed over what could end up as conflict with Grace's family.

In the clinic, Castor sat on the edge of his mate's cot as she fumed.

"I'm telling you, it isn't poisonous. I ate them all the time."

Harvey held the little fruit in his hands as he explained the same thing over again. "Eating this fruit when it is ripe is safe, but eating it when it is unripe is not." He held up the small thing. "This is unripe."

I walked in at a good time. Based on what I just heard, things might already be solved.

"What about her symptoms? Will they resolve if she stops eating it," I asked.

Harvey took the reprieve offered to him. "They should, but she should be closely monitored in case." He turned to Castor. "Slowly introducing her back to red meat can help. Also..."

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