71. Guardian

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I gave Bai a room on the second floor. It was very empty but had the bare minimum she would need to live. I gave her about an hour to relax and calm her nerves. I had a guard bring her water and snacks while I gathered my mates for a talk. I shared my thoughts with them and earned their surprised reactions.

"Guardian? You want to be?" Harvey asked to be doubly clear.

Shuu could not hide his bafflement. "Can that be done? It can't, right?" He didn't sound sure at all.

"Is that what you want?" Winston asked.

"I'm making a rule. The guardianship has a time limit. Since it's abnormal, I'll use that to my advantage," I explained calmly. "Humans do not become adults until 18 years old. At least, that's how it is where I grew up."

"That is a significant undertaking," cautioned Harvey.

I shook my head. "Yes and no. The protection I want to offer is from suitors and until either she is of age or approaches a male herself. I will provide her the bare minimum otherwise."

"So...it's like raising a female cub...that isn't yours?" asked the confused Shuu.

"Sort of," I agreed.

"I will do whatever you want, but can you tell me why?" said Winston.

"Of course. Let me be clear, what I offer her will not be free. She will work to pay off this debt. I only want to give her some breathing room and time to adapt because this world is very different than ours."

"Then she is from the human clan..." murmured Harvey. "Your scents are slightly similar."

Shuu nodded vigorously. "More than a little." His powerful nose could tell they were of the same kind. Both Grace and the other female smell similar to apes enough that they could've passed for that clan. But now that he's met two humans, it's easier to tell the difference.

"I understand," Winston nodded. He was happy that Grace wasn't putting herself out for a stranger. Not that he would have had a problem with that if that was what Grace wanted.

Shuu and Harvey both agreed and so I went to discuss this with Bai Qingqing. I explained the circumstances and gave her a chance to agree.

"So you will let me stay here and teach me, and I just have to work for you?" Qingqing was a student and never had to work a day in her life. But, if working now was going to protect her in this strange world, she would accept that.

"Yes. I know it will be difficult to adapt considering how different some of the culture is compared to yours and mine, but I can't buy you indefinite time. So I will teach you while you work."

Bai Qingqing heard everything Grace said, but her heart was hoping that Grace knew a way back. "Can we...not go home?" It was hard to believe or accept that they couldn't.

I shook my head. "I haven't found a way back. So unless whatever power brought us here decides to send us back, we are stuck."

She cried and hid her tears behind her hands. I let her have her moment and gave her space. The main character Qingqing had too much going on to dwell on the truth, so this particular struggle never seemed to be a focus. But I just crushed some of her hope. This reaction is natural.

I frowned and went to make the announcement. I don't think Bai will feel up to joining me anytime soon, but I don't have to have her next to me to do this.

My guardianship role came as a surprise to the guards, but not a single soul denied me. It might have something to do with Winston standing next to me...but that's fine.

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