83. Level Up

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The party was held three days after I formed my bond with Cooper. The leopard castle co-hosted it, supplying the tiger castle with some fruits and meat for the occasion.

Holly came over and spent time with her grandcubs while Grant joined her. His limp was still noticeable and I wondered if he would use a cane or a walker if I provided one. To preserve his dignity, I'll try to offer it one day in private.

The ape king attended and made small talk with me and my family. He also approached Qingqing. His curiosity towards the human clan had increased enough that he could barely contain it. I hope he isn't planning anything. He will not win that battle.

Rosa was not invited for obvious reasons. I didn't want to ostracize the wolf clan, but I couldn't help who their queen was any more than they could. At least, not now. If Shuu ever wanted to take that title, I'd support him, but so far, he has not mentioned it.

Memi talked a lot and looked like she was having the time of her life. The leopard king even came over to thank me for it.

"My mate looks forward to visiting. Thank you for allowing her this freedom," he said.

I smiled easily. "Allow? Do you know your mate?" Was it okay to tease a king? I'd say yes if his smile was anything to go by.

The leopard king almost let a chuckle escape him. "I do. Which is why I'm grateful she has a friend that supports her."

I felt an unusual squishy feeling in my heart. I guess he was right, and it was nice to have a friend.

The party went on even after it started raining. The tiger castle packed full and the food was polished off. There wasn't a single bit of waste. Males didn't mind crunching on bones or the less desirable bits.

Memi tried to introduce her other sons to me, but I had to respectfully decline. Neither of them suffered from Parker's arrogance problem, but I wasn't interested.

Qingqing was going through something similar. She was approached often, but her guards took care of any male who got too pushy. I did not help as it wasn't needed. I've given Qingqing all the knowledge I could. If she didn't want to use it, that was her problem now.

There were others who joined and I determined that any celebration in this city involved picking up new family members. I do hope the relationships lasted.

On that note, my brain switched over to thoughts of the village. When I can choose the rules as I pleased, I'd have peace of mind. No, it wouldn't fix this city, but that wasn't the cross I wanted to bear. I will do what I can my way, at my pace.

The night ended and another day came. That one passed as usual. The only difference was me spending extra time with the kids and none with Bai Qingqing.

The following day was the one we should have celebrated. Winston came home with a rare, bright smile gracing his face. It didn't take me long to figure out why and I jumped him.

He wrapped me up in a hug and I let myself go for a moment. "Yes! That's great, Winston!" I cheered until I drew all the guards to the front entrance. I turned to them and shouted. "Your king has gained his fifth mark!"

The crowd cheered with equal enthusiasm and we had a hearty celebration to commemorate it. I broke out the alcohol and carefully distributed the tiniest amount around. Can't get the guards drunk. That was asking for trouble.

I didn't indulge, but a few of my mates did. And after a very busy night for myself, I swore them off alcohol too. I can confirm that they didn't drink enough to compromise performance, but it did make them more aggressive than usual.

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