15. Harvey

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Panting and trembling, Harvey forced himself to get on his feet. He faltered, missing a step, and fell. His paws tried again to get themselves in position, but it took him time.

"That's enough," called Muir after shifting. "Rest and clean up."

Harvey closed his eyes in defeat and let himself fall. He remained on the ground until he caught his breath.

Muir scrutinized Harvey's leopard form. This training hadn't been effective, or at least, not as effective as he would've liked. Muir had to be careful about not harming Harvey which meant the male never found himself in a tight enough spot to advance.

But what else could they do? Harvey needed to grow stronger, but he couldn't get hurt in the process or Grace would be very upset. Using crystals were their best method, but they didn't have enough to spare. Muir could not leave to hunt colossus nor did he know of any mines. He had to wait for Winston to get back before he could do search.

The only benefit this training seemed to have, was getting Harvey used to fighting beastmen. But the value was lost on someone so weak. There was only so much skill could make up for when it came to gaps in levels.

Muir waited for Harvey to right himself before flying back to Grace's side. He was thinking up a better solution, and with Shuu's help, it might be possible to do. Even though it was risky, Muir felt it worth trying. And since Harvey desired the strength to not burden his mate, he should not hesitate to take this challenge.

Harvey lapped up water as he mulled over his disappointing display. He understood that the gap between one mark and another was great, but not even catching a single feather of Muir's was disheartening.

But he couldn't stop here. He wouldn't. His position was flimsy and he knew it. The other males hadn't crowded around Grace before terribly, but they were starting to. Word had spread about the female guest of the ape king and the curious beasts had to investigate.

And as time passed, Grace's beauty was becoming more apparent and recognizable. To the point that even Harvey had to catch himself from staring sometimes. Muir and Shuu worked hard to deter the suitors, but where did that leave Harvey?

He believed his growing reputation as a healer has saved him some trouble, but he knew that wouldn't last forever. There would be males who'd think their chances better if Harvey was out of the way.

It was no sooner than four days after Harvey acknowledged that did something occur.

Muir rigorously patrolled the sky around the wolf castle. He did not do this all day long, as he preferred to spend his time with Grace, but he tried to at least twice a day.

Perhaps it was luck or coincidence that he found Harvey then, but Muir knew when to take advantage of such situations. He dropped to the ground, further away from the fighting and stealthily approached.

There were three wolves surrounding Harvey. They worked as a team to corner the leopard and pressure him. Harvey was outclassed in both strength and numbers and was slowly accumulating wounds.

Muir situated himself in a nearby tree, downwind of the fight. He had little intention of intervening. He would only do so if Harvey was in danger of losing his life. This situation was not orchestrated, but it fit their needs perfectly.

Muir watched the leopard and the wolves dance. The wolves were in complete control of the situation and they knew it. Their barks were mocking and confident. Their growls, taunting.

Harvey's heart felt like it was lodged in his throat. He knew this was inevitable, but there wasn't much he could do to prevent it. With his ears pinned to his head, he snarled at the wolves, but it only seemed to thrill them.

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