79. Den Discussion

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Since things were far less chaotic, I was able to set aside time for a date with everyone. Mitchell got his turn and was surprised that dates could be so laid back. He seemed to be looking forward to some more physical affairs, but I was happy to explain that dates didn't always end with that.

His gripes ended after I braided his hair. His princess braids didn't suit him to a comical degree, but I didn't tell him that. I used him as my test dummy for hair practice. His hair was smooth and had no volume whatsoever. Even when the braids were released, his locks did not have the slightest wave. They hung straight down.

I did what I could and had a nice time. Mitchell didn't whine after that, so I'm assuming he enjoyed himself too.

Winston got his day-long date that was unfortunately interrupted by my period. I knew it would be coming anytime now, but that didn't make me any more thrilled to have it. Surprisingly, I only spotted with light flow, although it lasted for a full week. My dates had to be delayed since the scent of blood attracted others.

Since the cramps were also less, I spent the time teaching my cubs. I'm sure I was going overboard for their ages, but I figured it didn't hurt. I made sure not to allow my frustrations to get the better of me and transitioned to storytelling whenever they lost the ability to focus.

I didn't remember all of the bedtime fairytales exactly, so I had to make up the bits in between. I got creative and crafted a few stories up, not that the boys cared one way or another.

When I did stop bleeding, I took Winston and Shuu on make up dates. Shuu's first date was interrupted by a matter of two families fighting over territory claims that he had to address. After those two, it was Muir's turn.

It was the first time since the incident I sat down with my dejected spouse. He apologized again with a bowed head. It wasn't a simple matter to brush aside.

It might have been a breach of privacy, but I had Harvey pick apart Muir's mindset and relay it to me. For Muir, it was both simple and complicated. He saw Mitchell as a threat to my mental state and decided to take matters into his own hands.

His twisted sense of honor supported that. His emotions on the subject only fueled it all.

But the broken male in front of me truly looked regretful. "Muir." He turned to me with an expression that looked prepared for a slap. "I still haven't forgiven you." He flinched and dropped his eyes. "But I can tell you're sorry."

Muir waited for a verdict. Would he be sent away now? If not, should he leave and save Grace the trouble of making that call? But he promised to never leave without telling her. Should he talk to her and suggest it? His heart squeezed painfully as he thought about it.

I didn't reach out my hand, even though I felt like it. I knew I was too soft when it came to my family. No, maybe even outside of it. Be it Muir, Mitchell, or Curtis, I gave them all more chances than maybe I should've.

But at the same time, those chances had proved worth it. Mitchell put his head and act together. Curtis was proving that he could be a member of the community and act like a rational suitor. And Muir... he's been willing to see his mistakes and avoid repeating the same ones, at least.

The thing all three had in common was their willingness to try. So in my book, they earned the chances they were given.

I felt better at that realization. I had nothing to prove to anyone. I didn't have to cater to anyone else's opinions. If I wanted to give the people I care about the chances I think they deserve, then I will. Not that anyone but Harvey really knew what I was thinking. And he wouldn't ever ask me to justify my thoughts.

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