124. Gone

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The next seasons were pretty stressful. Not knowing if I could suddenly disappear was one reason for that. But, in reality, that was something that was always possible. Just because I didn't think about it all the time or focus on it didn't change that.

I just let myself go a little too much this time. There was absolutely no point in panicking over something I had zero control over. What I could control was already being tackled.

The main stress came from the hunting party's departure. Once it was known that Winston was gone, attacks on the village increased. Of course, Curtis was here, but I guess the attackers didn't see him as a direct obstacle. Snake males weren't known for altruistic tendencies. As a species that was known for its loners, they wouldn't think Curtis would protect any other besides his mate.

At least, that's the random conclusion I drummed up for their ridiculously stupid decision to attack us.

It wasn't like Curtis was the only strong one here either. Outside of my remaining family, the village had three other tetra-marked: Arthur, Sieg, and Castor. There was also a good number of tri-marks.

We weren't weak even if we numbered a mere 300.

But the attacks, farming, and rebuilding were taking their toll on the village. I hope Winston returned with a good haul to lift spirits. Some crystals would go to supporting the village, after all.

I did my rounds that day as normal. The harvest was in full swing and most of the males were at the fields further inland. I had passed my sixth year of living in this world and Qingqing was approaching her fifth.

The temperature had reached an uncomfortable level of hot even for my increased resistance so I dressed as lightly as possible. The dress I wore was a simple halter style one made entirely from Curtis's shed. The sandals on my feet were also courtesy of Curtis and his growing fashion skills. It was an outfit fitting for summer.

I first visited Sieg for a quick breakfast alongside Cooper and Muir before visiting Qingqing. Sieg tagged along since the cove was now under more than just his supervision. I thought to discourage the behavior at first, but that was before my leopard cubs decided to slip away for an undersea adventure last season.

Cue Sieg's new title as the drowning cat savior. The two boys wouldn't leave Sieg alone after that and it made it much harder to keep him at a professional distance. I ended up being pretty honest with Sieg about my circumstances and history, but it changed little on his side as far as I could tell. I swear, nothing ruffled him.

Qingqing had let her stress about the possibility of returning go just like I did. That wasn't strange considering how neither one of us had any proof that we would suddenly go back. At least, she didn't know. I knew about her, of course.

"Ah, Grace, good morning." Qingqing smiled brightly. "Bei'he, say hi."

The little, black-haired baby had smashed her face into Qingqing's collarbone at the first sight of me. "Hi, Bei'he. Good morning to you both." The baby squirmed as if trying to merge with her mom. It was adorable.

"She's a little shy still," Qingqing confessed.

"I see that. Is she still being way too good to you?"

Qingqing sensed the sharpness of that question and laughed awkwardly. "Yes. She only woke me up once last night."

I really don't think life should be so unfair. "You're so lucky. I truly hope you know that."

Qingqing cleared her throat. "Of course, I know." Grace reminded her a lot. Her Bei'he rarely gave her troubles.

We chatted about nothing important for a while. I commented on some of her paintings and swapped child-rearing stories with her. We talked about Bei'he and the proud father joined the conversation. Thanks to Muir, I understood how rare a female eagle was, so it was no wonder Song bragged every chance he got. Shane, Qingqing's wolf mate, was also a braggart when it came to Qingqing and her female cub.

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