129. Teenagers

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~Years later~

"There. I believe that should do it," said Bard as he finished his work.

"Hmm." A female with a young appearance and three blue-green marks on her neck rolled her shoulders. "I can't say it feels any different."

"It might not, but I can promise there is." The four marks on his face shimmered with a sheen of sweat that he wiped with a rag. "That tether is thin like a thread now."

Grace had to take his word for it since there really wasn't anything she could do to challenge it. "That's good. Thanks again for your help."

Bard smiled gently and bid Grace a good day. "I'm glad I could help you. If there is nothing else..."

"That's all. Ask Harvey for any herbs you might need for Bei'he."

Bard did not need any as he kept his stock full, but he appreciated the gesture. "Thank you. Her cycle has given her more trouble than I thought it would."

"She got her mother's fertility. Some of us get it worse than others. Bei'he is just a little unlucky."

Bard nodded and asked, "How are your female cubs?"

Grace sighed deeply. "Serenity is great. Her cycles don't bother her much and she doesn't mind staying inside. Hope, on the other hand..."

Bard's face expressed his sympathy. He'd seen Hope relentlessly trying to pursue the males of the city. Hope had to be the one pursuing since Grace's family threatened to remove the reproductive organs of any male that dared mate with her before her 18th year.

"She is certainly headstrong." Bard cleared his throat, but wasn't upset like Grace was. He respected her wishes but was also quite glad that Hope was eager to start a family. She'd surely pass on their strong genetics making for healthier cubs.

"Yes...I wonder who she got that from? Not from Harvey, I know."

Bard chuckled. "I wonder... Well, Grace, I must go. Until next time."


I didn't get far after parting with Bard before I was dragged off by one of my boys to meet his new mate.

"Mom, Lea is a really good female, I know you'll love her." The young male in front of me was Will—my Blue—and he had grown up so well. "She's a little stubborn, but she's also really gentle. And she likes furniture and art too. I'll be one of her strongest mates and can protect her from everything dangerous."

I listened with a smile as Will went on and really looked over him. At first glance, I didn't see the little tiger cub that was my big baby. I saw a young man who bore a striking resemblance to his father.

His face was a little softer and rounder and his eyes remained blue, but otherwise, no one would doubt the relation to Winston. The three dark blue marks on his shoulders at his young age of 19 were also testaments of his parentage.

We stopped in front of a wooden cabin where a female and three males waited.

"This is Lea, my mate."

The pride in little Blue's voice made me tear up. My boy was not a boy anymore.

"What's wrong?" Will noticed the unshed tears in his mom's eyes and frantically tried to soothe her. "Are you okay? Is it your stomach?" What if it wasn't because his mom was pregnant? What if she didn't like Lea?

I wiped the tears away and reassured him with a smile. "Nothing is wrong at all. I'm happy for you." I turned to Lea. "It's nice to meet you, Lea. I'm Grace and I'll hope you take care of Blue—Will." I sniffled and grabbed Will's hands. "You take care of her too, you hear?"

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