13. See You Later

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Good day to you all.  All feedback was in favor of keeping the more explicit content, so I will.  It isn't a lengthy scene, but I will be working on expanding them in the future (assuming I write more for this fanfic).The summary will be updated to include a definitive warning for this content.  

Thank you for the feedback and support.  Happy reading. ^_^


I kept my mouth covered so I wouldn't moan, but that was a failure of an attempt. Shuu had my ass in his hands as he rubbed his shaft along my folds. Winston stole my attention as he kissed and sucked his way down to the hard pebble my nipple became.

His tongue circled and teased at it, making me clench around Shuu. He thrust harder and faster while my tension built. Winston's hot breath and rough tongue were doing things to me that I couldn't express in any other way than through the moan that escaped me.

The friction and heat Shuu was causing was not missed and neither was Winston's hand that cupped my other breast. He gave it the same treatment as he and Shuu worked together to drive me crazy.

The electric feeling was addictive and I rode it right over that edge. But that wasn't where it ended. Shuu could not hold on and lined himself up against my opening. He pushed once, twice and seated himself almost entirely inside me.

I shuddered as he took me, and Winston claimed my mouth. I eagerly accepted his tongue as I felt his cock press my stomach. My hands were busy digging into Winston's skin and my mouth was too full to tell Shuu to slow down.

Shuu had already been close when he entered and did not need long to cum. The moment he left, Winston took his place. I could not hold myself back from making the noises I made, but Shuu helped by covering my mouth for me. I tasted him as Winston eroded my sanity with every thrust. Any feelings of stretching were long lost in the pleasure.

I came before he did, but Winston wasn't far behind.


If I had half my brain left, I would've asked them to stop there. But I didn't, so I spent the rest of my day in bed, recovering from what I could honestly say was hot sex.

The next night wasn't so crazy, but Winston got a send off from me. I didn't know how else to manage my growing feeling of anxiety. He was going to go do something potentially dangerous for me. The least I could do was give him something he liked in return. Something that I also happened to be liking now.

The next morning was initially warm and fuzzy, but I sobered up quickly. I got as clean and as ready as I could be before going to see the caravan off. Winston had carried me to the place he was supposed to leave from, a group of beasts and a large sacks of goods waiting for him. The ape king addressed the crowd before coming to me.

"Do not worry, Grace. Winston and I had a discussion. Should your scorpion mate come for you while Winston is gone, the city shall defend you completely," the ape king said confidently.

The salt trade was critical for the city and none of the other kings were eager to fill in for Winston if he refused to go. They were more happy, however, to provide aid and protection for Grace if Winston took up the duty.

I nodded at the ape king, but my eyes never left Winston's. "Stay safe," I whispered.

Winston felt his heart melt and could only smile. "I will."

The single males felt their hearts burn with jealousy and longing at the display. Winston unknowingly earned a great deal of animosity then, but it wasn't like any of the males would do anything about it. They would keep their sour feelings close to their hearts and hope they found a mate amongst the females they would bring back.

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