27. Training

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 I did my routines for the next two days feeling completely weightless. My mood was bright, and I dare say I skipped around.

...Alright, that might be a small exaggeration, but I could've. It wasn't like all my worries disappeared, but they sure felt less like high hurdles and more like unscheduled pit stops. They were annoying at the worst and avoidable with enough planning and preparation.

Harvey revived his garden while Shuu added various transplants. The garden was expanded to include it all.

Muir made me two more outfits and three pairs of underwear. He even sewed a 'pad' for me to use on my next period.

I finished carving my dresser while Shuu helped me put the finishing touches on it. He accidentally cracked a drawer during the process. You'd think I was going to smack him with the kicked-puppy look he wore.

I assured him that the drawer was fine. It didn't take long for Muir to make them, so we will have a replacement one day. I painted the liquor on my finished work and felt pride in it. I wasn't the best artist, but the lilies and vines I carved on each drawer and up around the edges looked decent. It was minimalist as far as design went, but I was aiming for something tasteful and passable for my first big project.

In the meanwhile, Harvey got his business going again. My mates tried to meet my demands, but it was hard to spare an extra hand when we didn't have one. If Shuu or Muir were free, and not the only one guarding me, one of them went with him.

Patient visits didn't usually take much time unless it was to assist with birth, so they were always back with enough time to spare for hunting. But I can see this schedule taking its toll in the future.

I think my request spurred Shuu on a lot. He seemed very interested in gaining his third stripe, thinking it would put me at ease.

"I know I can get stronger. I will do the protecting along with Muir," he had said to me.

He had sounded desperate to prove himself, and I couldn't find a good enough reason to discourage him. His success would put me at ease as it would better his chances of survival. If he could find time for his training, I was all for it. So on that note, we planned our training day.

Our immediate area had no room for what needed to be done, so we took it to the city outskirts. We all went since safety could be a problem otherwise.

I found my guard raised and watched the bushes around. I unintentionally touched Mitchell's mark. The little tingle was barely registered, and I was certain he wasn't all that close. I exhaled, but remained vigilant. Mitchell was hardly the only threat to me.

This was how I knew my family still wasn't where I needed it to be. There should not be any fear during a stroll. If Winston was here, I wouldn't feel so uncertain, but not all my mates could be around me 100% of the time.

Someone had to hunt, and someone had to guard me and my future cubs. Shuu needed his third stripe, Muir a fourth, and Harvey a second. But even that may not be enough with the existence of St. Zachary and any other penta-striped beasts that may be out there.

I clung to the leopard under me while making these plans without his or the others' knowledge. Harvey would need a lot of time to gain a second mark. Shuu should be close. And I can't imagine Muir being far off.

Crystals... We need crystals. But to get those, we have to hunt colossus or mine them. Neither of which can be easily done.

When we got to the impromptu training grounds by a small river, I sat down with Harvey. Shuu and Muir sparred close enough that I could hear them, but not see them. The trees blocked off the view.

Harvey shifted, and I handed him his skirt. "Hey, Harvey, how often does the city organize colossus hunts?"

Harvey sat down next to Grace with languid motions. "It depends on the herds. If they come close to the city, a team with at least one king is sent to thin their numbers."

"About how often is that?"

Harvey's voice was calm and gentle, but his eyes never stopped scanning the surroundings. "Maybe, once a seasonal rotation... They typically move in the light rainy season or the heavy rainy season."

Hmm. "What do you think about Muir or Shuu going on the next one?"

"Winston should be back soon, so I think that would be good." Harvey didn't want to speak for the other males, though he was sure they'd be happy to do anything for Grace. "I think they will like it if you ask them."

Then that is what I'll do.

I took off my foot wraps and dangled my feet until I felt them barely skim the water's surface. I wanted to swim... But safety was a question....

I sighed and shook my head. Was I over-worrying? Of course I was. If safety was the most important thing in my life, then I should've never left my den. It's important, but it isn't my everything.

I had Muir who was strong, fast, and resourceful. I had Shuu who could use his position to rally the wolves to help me if something happened. I had Harvey to heal me if I got hurt. And finally, I had both my own stripe and the power of two tetra-marked bonds to help me catch someone or something off-guard if I needed to.

I'm going swimming.

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