52. Scolding

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 I could not express my relief when Muir showed up. He was haggard but alive. The relief was mutual, but mine was soon overcome by irritation. I planned to have some words with him.

Muir dug his fingers into the doorway as he glared down Curtis. He was careful to keep all pressure off his legs to avoid showing weakness. It had taken him time to follow the bond and locate Grace's exact location. The rainy conditions and his weariness from battle slowed him down all the way.

And when he did finally arrive, there was a snake waiting for him. Not just any snake either, but the one who stole away Grace.

Their beast pressures clashed, and I flinched. "Muir. Curtis. Both of you stop." I brought out my beast pressure that felt paltry in comparison to theirs. With their attention split and wavering, I told Muir about what he missed.

"Muir. Curtis has become my guardian beast and is welcome here." My tone was sharp and tense, mirroring how I felt. Yes, I was relieved that Muir was back, but I was also pissed.

Muir was both shocked and hurt by this revelation. He left because he failed in his duty to protect Grace from this very beast. Yet, while he was absent, this snake managed to slither into his mate's home.

I was going to say more, but my eyes took in Muir's pale face. He didn't look good, but that wasn't what caught my eye.

We can talk about him gaining his fourth mark later. "We have already accepted it. If you wanted any say in this matter, you should've been here." While I can't say Muir's presence would've changed this outcome, I can say that him not being here didn't help anything.

Muir flinched and backed down.

"Muir, how are you hurt?" I was not even close to done with him, but I could beat the crud out of him after he was healthy.

Muir was not comfortable showing weakness in front of a beast that he saw as his enemy, but Grace's heavy gaze was compelling. "My legs."

Harvey stepped up and gave Muir his shoulder to lean on. Shuu, who had been bracing himself for a fight, relaxed and took the other arm.

I got a rag to help dry Muir off, and Harvey started his checkup.

Having failed Grace twice now, Muir was filled with guilt. He should've-! Muir hissed in pain as Harvey palpitated his legs. "Outside is a sack for Grace." He at least had to deliver his gains to Grace.

Shuu curiously retrieved it, but no one else acted like they cared about it.

"I believe they are broken." Harvey wasn't certain as the damage was not as dramatic as Winston's. He continued to poke and prod, looking for any signs that would suggest he needed to set bones.

Muir winced but did not cry out. Not until Harvey found the worst of the damage.

I stepped outside for this with Curtis. Shuu remained inside to help with the muscle part of what needed to be done. None of us particularly trusted Curtis with Muir's life. I being the most suspicious one.

I covered my ears to avoid hearing any cries. I still heard something, but it was muffled enough. Muir was still conscious when I went back in, but he looked drained. I sat down by his side, a mixture of emotions raging in my heart.

Muir cracked an eye open as sweat and rainwater dripped down his face. His eyes couldn't meet hers. "You are angry with me?" His voice was small, and he wished he didn't ask that. He'd rather live in shunned silence than her voicing her disappointment in him.

I was quite angry. "I am." His expression expressed his defeat, but I wasn't finished. "Muir, you left without saying a word to me. You were just gone. How'd you think I'd feel about that?"

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