82. Cooper's Mark

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Cooper was an easy addition to the family. Unlike his brother, he lacked anything resembling arrogance and impatience.

Harvey and Shuu both started teaching him in earnest while Mitchell and Muir took a more 'I don't care approach.' I accepted it since the animosity towards Cooper was non-existent. I can't expect them all to become friends and didn't.

Cooper was fairly decent at most things. He had a steady hand, although he was easily flustered which led to some clumsy mistakes. He took to gardening and cooking the most, and so, those became his main responsibilities.

It rained on and off for the next few days. I visited with Qingqing frequently and joyfully accepted her experiment's progress. The girl had thrown herself into it since the attack, and I reaped the benefits.

I was especially excited at the prospects of a loom. I didn't even care how a 16—going on 17—year-old knew how to make a loom. Spinning and weaving cotton by hand was too much of a chore for me to question it.

Muir was doing his best in that regard, but there were only so many bandages he could sew in a day. I'm sure Curtis would excel in that... I pushed that thought away. A loom will make our lives nicer.

While I busied myself with Qingqing, the cubs, and talking with Cooper, Winston trained out in the weather diligently. His efforts fueled my own and I got back to hard workouts.

Cooper and Shuu joined me for these sessions when they could. The cubs even participated sometimes. They only ever lasted a few minutes before they got too bored though.

Surprisingly or not, Cooper and Shuu got along swimmingly. Harvey did too, but Harvey always seemed to get along with everyone. I was still happy some of my spouses were able to bond. They were going to be seeing a lot of each other over the next years. It would be nice for them to form bonds whether they were ones of tolerant camaraderie or more brotherly in nature.

Five days after the banquet planning occurred, we had a downpour. The sky was a dark grey and the temperature dipped. It was a good time to stay inside day and I took advantage of it to lead Cooper to the bedroom. I considered waiting longer, but I didn't think it was necessary.

I dragged the shy male, who had near-visible hearts floating around him, to the bed. His wavy hair bounced as he sat down and he looked at me expectantly.

"We can mate? Now?" Cooper didn't hide his excitement.


Shy boy disappeared after the clothes came off, but I still had to teach him. Why did most males think that mating was just about penetration? At least mine will know that it's not.

I woke up with a face in my chest and noted that Cooper was a snuggler. I shivered when his hand squeezed my breast thinking he was also a morning—cough—person. But he was fast asleep.

I gently removed his hand as I listened to his snores. How that didn't wake me up is beyond me. I set his hand down only for it to find its way back. I protected myself so the silly male wouldn't get me bothered.

"Need a hand?" Mitchell asked, more than happy to comply.

I attempted to act unfazed. "No, I'm fine."

Cooper's snores cut off abruptly as he woke up. He dazedly looked around before he realized where he was. He shot up, his face turning crimson. "I-I-I'll get water." And he shot off to do that.

Mitchell grabbed the covers and let himself in, bringing a cup of water with him. He tried to ignore the scent of mating and decided he'd wash the blanket later himself. Or burn it and replace it. Whichever was more effective.

Mitchell handed me the water and I took it. "Thanks, but," I smacked his traveling hand off me, "No on that." I was in that mood, but I'd rather not have Cooper running back in on us.

Mitchell sighed and took his hand away, the heat of Grace's hand still lingering on it. "Okay." Mitchell wasn't upset, although his lower member disagreed. He preferred to not mate with the scent of another male so strong in the air. It helped kill his growing interest.

Cooper ran back in with water and found me drinking a cup already. I still took his since I was thirsty enough for it. I downed the second cup and told Cooper I was going to get ready without help.

He left bare-bottomed, and I had to remind him that he wasn't wearing anything. Cooper sheepishly grabbed his fur. "I'll help with food." Then he left to do that.

While we had a small kitchen in the room, it was nothing compared to the dedicated kitchen.

"Mitchell," I said.

Mitchell shrugged and got up. "If you want a bath, it's ready."

I raised my brow. "You?"

Mitchell feigned hurt. "You think I'm so incapable?"

I stared hard until he squirmed before smirking. "No."

Mitchell said to hell with the smell and carried Grace to her tub.

I didn't stop Mitchell. Mostly because I wasn't satisfied, not that I'd ever tell Cooper that. Nobody's first time is going to be amazing.

Mitchell enjoyed Grace's taste for the first time in a while. He was thorough and made sure Grace had her fill before letting himself indulge.

... I had to have my bathwater changed, but I couldn't feel bad. Especially since Mitchell looked all too happy to clean up the mess we made. I laid my head on my arm as the hot water was poured around me. The after-sex buzz hummed through my body.

I relaxed as a sponge on my back wiped away my sweat.

"Feel good?" Mitchell asked knowingly.

I did actually. "Hmm. Yes."

Mitchell froze as he processed that. Grace didn't usually compliment him. "Anytime you want, just ask." He hoped she'd ask. His hand continued to move as he refused to miss a spot.

Tempting as that was... I sunk into the water a little more. "What if I end up pregnant? Did you want to be a father?" My voice was muffled and soft, but I know he heard me.

Mitchell's hand stopped again. "I-I want them." The vision of Grace raising his offspring made his head feel fuzzier than it was.

"Ah..." It looks like my family was going to be massive. How many scorpions are born at once? "I want to move first before trying."

Mitchell dropped the sponge. "Really?"

I closed my eyes and started drifting off. "Yeah."

Mitchell's eyes dilated as his breathing hitched. His hand carefully reached for the sponge, and he finished washing Grace's back. He was scared she'd wake up and tell him she changed her mind.

But she didn't wake up and she didn't change her mind. He draped himself over the tub, letting his fingers dip in the water as he watched Grace sleep. The tub was made in a way that emphasized comfort. Winston did know how to build, Mitchell admitted.

His gaze never left Grace's face. it was a rare moment that was just his and hers—even if she wasn't conscious for it. Sadly the water cooled and he had to wake her up.

My mood was great, but Mitchell's was a bit strange. He kept sending me strong looks throughout the day. Cooper was similar, but he was newly mated. Those gazes made me feel self-conscious, so I found myself looking away more often than not.

Everyone besides Mitchell and Cooper had the compulsion to stare at my skin trying to locate the mark. They won't see it easily since it's on my right, lower ribcage. 

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