118. Qin's Emotions

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"Hmmf." Qin expressed her displeasure openly despite no one being around to pay attention to her.

She'd witnessed how Grace recruited a feral as a guard from the window of her room. Initially, she expected bloodshed, especially with the red snake so clearly hostile. The peaceful resolution almost disappointed her.

Qin left her window sill and called for her two guards. "I want to eat." She wanted whatever the group was eating, but had too much pride to ask Grace for some.

The guards could smell the aroma of food too and were also eager to eat. "I will go hunt for you now," said one.

Qin stepped out of the room and turned to the remaining guard. "Take me out. I want to see the village." The ape king had always spoken of how dangerous land ferals were but then he brought her to a village of them.


Qin grimaced and stood in place. "Well? Aren't you going to carry me?"

The guard stood dumbly for a moment before reaching out to Qin. He was entranced by the feel of her skin but was soon urged to move. Despite the pretty female's bad mood, he was quite happy. He needed to thank his queen for this opportunity.

Qin couldn't get out of the building before she was surrounded. This was naturally something she expected given her beauty, but she had places to see. "I want to see the village." The beasts parted to let her pass, but they didn't leave. In fact, most of the gathered followed her.

Qin sent a gloating look towards Grace, but she was met with a friendly smile. It made her frown and question things again. Females weren't supposed to act friendly like Grace was... Her limited experience with land females told her so.

After a moment of thinking, Qin decided that Grace was just a weird female and continued forward. While she was taking her tour, she also eyed the males around her. Now that Bard was no longer interfering, she had a lot of choices.

She unabashedly checked out the entourage. Some blatantly flexed and peacocked for her. All she had to do was bat her eyelashes and smile a little to invigorate the rest.

After a quick assessment, she eliminated the scorpions. They weren't as warm as others and they had awful reputations. The rest though... She considered any that had three stripes or more.

Qin was soon showered in enough gifts that her poor mood was completely appeased. If this was how she would be treated, then she did not mind being in this place.


Half a moon passed and Qin got used to living in Grace village. The strange laws did not hinder her at all and she was able to take her time choosing males she liked.

Once Qin's scratches healed, she was no longer provided for by Grace. Grace was in no hurry to kick her out of her current room and Qin was in no hurry to leave it either. So, why rush?

While not as cushy as her life in the ape castle, it was better than her bubble in the mer-clan and the wood cabin of King's Village. Not having a nagging mate around was also quite wonderful. Her anger towards Bard had mellowed but not disappeared. It was good that he was staying away, she decided. If he came back, he better bring something that pleased her with him or she wouldn't even talk to him.

Qin exited her room and joined the hygiene class that Grace taught. Someone like her shouldn't have to attend something like that, but it was part of the rules she had to follow...

Qin joined the room and sat at the front of the people gathered. Males scurried to provide her with a comfortable seat and Qin gave them a small smile for their efforts. With a sidelong look, she checked Grace's reaction. As usual, there was none.

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