33. Credit

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My time talking to Winton ran out quickly, but I was able to speak to him about Mitchell. He was also able to warn me about the ape king.

We discussed who should take credit for the salt before he ever left. Originally, I wanted to push the praise onto Mitchell's feet. After all, the ape king would have a hard time targeting someone who isn't here.

...Well, that's obviously off the table. I wanted to avoid me or Winston taking credit for this. We can't have too much political pull or we will make enemies of the kings, namely, Bard and the tiger king.

I was equally reluctant to spread that the human clan held that kind of knowledge. I don't need beasts searching for a clan they won't find only to ask hard-to-answer questions later. That was my thought process, and Winston had no trouble agreeing.

What to do now? Winston has already stalled the ape king and been secretive with everyone else. He is currently being lauded as a hero, despite knowing that more work needed to be done for the sea salt to be consumable.

"What about giving the ape king credit?" I asked. 

 I did not like the idea of giving him more power, and the ape king himself would know that we have knowledge that he does not. But it could buy time and maybe earn more favor.

That didn't sit well with them.

"I'll take that credit if you share the how." Mitchell leaned into the window, one hand propping up his chin. He actually hadn't gone that far. His sense of privacy isn't quite the same as others.

I gave him a look and sighed. "You heard?"

Mitchell cracked a smile. "A bit."

It was still a good idea, especially if Mitchell collaborated on our story. But do I trust him? He had no reason to squeal on me to the ape king. Unless he wanted to work with him to get me out of the city...

That was paranoia talking. According to Shuu and Harvey, he had multiple opportunities to run off with me before, but he didn't. He deserved at least a little credit.

"So?" Mitchell waited.

I sighed. Hoarding the salt production method wasn't something I had planned to do. But releasing that info without drawing unwanted attention to myself was hard. I can't really imagine Mitchell passing that information around freely, so he might be a gamble worth taking.

"Alright." I motioned him to come in which had him stunned. I rolled my eyes. "Something wrong?"

Mitchell straightened up. "No." Mitchell tried to show he was unaffected by casually hoisting himself through the window.

We made room for him, and he awkwardly sat down. I tried not to laugh at his stiffness, but it was hard. I rarely ever get to see Mitchell being so completely out of his element.

"What is it?" Mitchell asked carefully. Did he mess up something? Should he care? Why did he care? All he did was join Grace as she invited him to. Yeah, she invited him. His mood rose back up as his casual demeanor returned.


Mitchell did not want to let it go. "It's something isn't it." Grace wasn't going to start lying to him now, would she?

It wasn't a big deal, but if Mitchell wants to dig into it..."I'm still getting used to you being here."

Mitchell's dark thoughts evaporated. No lies then. He was just on her mind. Feeling happy and proud at this revelation, Mitchell graciously decided to be nice. Even when the idea of Grace having other mates that were sitting within reaching distance bothered him.

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