14. It's Not Bad

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I had a different kind of dream. One that I much prefer compared to the anxious nightmares. But this kind brought its own kind of struggle, one that wasn't missed by Muir.

So I had another late start. But it was hard to complain. On the list of best ways to wake up... I shivered recalling the attention to detail Muir seemed to have picked up when I wasn't paying attention.

I had a bath with my name on it, so I unwrapped myself from the male who expressed nothing but confidence over what he did. You'd think he'd feel some level of shame jumping me first thing in the morning, but no, not Muir.

I took my time cleaning up, feeling dazed in a fluffy kind of way. Once I was finished, I tied Muir's outfit on and stepped out to find the proud bird man waiting. He smiled so sweetly that any point I might've tried to make disappeared from thought.

Muir held out his hand and offered his gift to Grace. It was a hair ornament the was made up of his feathers and a few peacock feathers.

I took a look at the theatrical looking hair piece and immediately resigned myself to it. I couldn't turn it down. I couldn't wear this one and my headband together though, so I chose Muir's.

Muir joyfully fixed his gift in Grace's hair. It stood out nicely against her auburn hair. His warm expression followed Grace's every move as he basked in the afterglow of his feelings.

The day turned out to be a nice one. Nice in my opinion. It drizzled enough that we didn't need to run to the river or lake to get water for the garden. The guys had an easy enough time moving the furniture inside before it got soaked. I worked on the living room floor, sitting on a cotton stuffed cushion and carving my little designs into the drawers.

I really wanted to etch animals in the likeness of my mates, but my art skills did not go that far. I will have to practice drawing more before I attempt that. Instead, I carved vine-like patterns that were reminiscent of some of the furniture pieces I used to restore. It was coming along nicely.

While getting lost in the mindless bliss of my project, I didn't notice the stares of my family.

Shuu watched with adoration as his talented mate made the blank piece of furniture less plain. He was always fascinated by this and couldn't help staring when he got to see it.

Muir watched on in pride. He found her work to be appealing and tasteful. His only sorrow was not being able to show off her delicate work. But this was not a tragedy. He knew what his mate was capable of and that was most important.

Harvey did not want to leave, but he had a patient to go check on. He regretfully said goodbye and grabbed his neatly packed satchel of herbs on his way out.

It was only after I finished what I was doing that I realized Harvey was gone. Time tended to pass quickly when I focused like that.

"Harvey is with a patient?"

Muir lifted his head up from the new set of clothes he was working on. "Yes."

"And Shuu?" I looked around curiously.

Shuu, who was busy cleaning the sandbox and coop, heard his name called. He rushed to the window and stuck his head inside. "Here!"

I stifled a giggle and stood up to stretch. I had some free time and wanted to test something. "I want to see how much strength my mark gives me. Are you ready for some tests?"

Muir watched on without commenting while Shuu vigorously nodded. Muir set his work down to follow the two outside.

My first test was one of strength. Back in earth, I could sort of lift things that were 50lbs, but anything 75lbs and higher had to be pushed. I didn't have anything to measure the weight of things here, but I might be able to guess.

I looked at Shuu expectantly. Based on his height and slimmer build, I'd guess his weight to be under 200lbs. I wanted to see if I had super strength, and trying to lift my mate should help me figure it out.

I approached Shuu with a smirk thinking that this would probably be funny to watch. The innocent male had no idea.

Muir stifled his laughter, trying to remain calm and poised, but it wasn't easy. Lifting one's mate is natural, if it was the male lifting the female. This was the first time he saw the roles swapped and he had little idea on how to handle it besides chortling.

Shuu has been strictly taught how to be a good male by his family. They prepared him mentally to undertake any request his future female might task him with. But this was not something they covered in their lectures. And since he hadn't been picked up since he was a young cub, the experience had him completely out of his element.

But Shuu wanted to be supportive of Grace, so he let her continue to try and followed her instructions. Despite being flustered, he was happy that she chose him for this.

I had no idea how completely awkward it was to try and lift a person, which is why I was now giving Shuu a piggyback ride. I wish I knew how army carries were executed, but I don't. So it's this or princess carry.

Muir's laughter told me everything I needed to know about how ridiculous this must look. But I was able to carry Shuu. My arms did burn, but I think it was an improvement. I was positive I won't be able to lift him in a princess carry.

Thanks to this experiment, I knew I could lift more than before even if I couldn't tell exactly how much more.

I set the still flustered Shuu down and gave him a break. His face was redder than mine, so I knew he needed it.

I tested moving things around the house after appreciating Muir's amused expression. It was no superpower, but it was super great. I'm sure I'd be able to do this without a stripe if I had worked out and built muscle. Still, I liked the bonus strength that I didn't have to bust my behind for.

As far as other benefits... I already know my recovery ability is better than before. Splinters, small cuts, and scrapes heal completely in two to three days. It used to take four to five days for a full heal pre-stripe.

Since I used Shuu once, I used Muir next for my other test. Apes earned supernatural powers as opposed to explosive strength when they leveled up, and I should be more like them in theory.

I held Muir's hand as I focused on him. I concentrated hard, trying to feel or see something different. I swear I felt his contentless of me holding his hands, but that was all. Just a quick touch of emotion, nothing more.

My brows furrowed as I thought about that. I don't think it was a special ability. Males could feel the heightened emotions of their females, so me feeling that too might not be outside of normal potential.

Maybe there was nothing special to it after all. Honestly, what I got was already pretty good. I would like to continue boosting my recovery rate...but that won't happen. The risks of both acquiring crystals and eating them were too high. I would have to settle for this level right now.  

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