38. Bad Decision?

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 I was glad that the only new mark I sported was the tail-made one around my waist. I was tired and a little sore, but not unhappy. That went better than I expected.

I could tell we had a long way to go though. But unlike before, this felt like an actual start. Was it wrong to think optimistically? That this relationship could possibly work?

Mitchell carried me back in a ball of blankets that Shuu brought. I was roasting inside my burrito wrap, guzzling my cup of water that Harvey so considerately provided.

I looked each of my mates in the eyes since the bonds were relatively quiet, minus some irritation, but I only saw some dissatisfaction in them. Only Mitchell looked smug and awfully pleased with himself.

I declined to bathe where I was and ushered us home. I would take a nice, easy bath there. I was spent, but my stomach insisted that I had something else I needed to do. I glanced at the sky and found the sun past its midday peak. We did miss lunch...

I handed the glass off to the silent Winston and ducked into my cocoon.

I heard the whispers as we passed others and did my best to ignore them. I didn't have to guess what they were discussing, and I'd rather not deal with anyone at the moment.

I heaved a sigh of relief when we got home. But that didn't last long as Mitchell unwound me from my protection. I grabbed the fur with as much strength as I could muster.

Mitchell raised his brow at me, and I mirrored it. "I think I'll keep this, thanks."

"Sure." Mitchell let her have it easily.

Winston broke his silence. "Grace needs food." Winston's gaze and tone strongly suggested that Mitchell go hunt for it.

Shuu got up to go but was stopped by Winston. The scorpion male tired out Grace, he should be responsible for getting her food.

Shuu taciturnly agreed with a slight nod. It was an honor to care for one's female and hunt her prey, but Shuu also wanted the scorpion out of their den for as long as possible. He would accept him because Grace wanted that, but he did not approve of the male coming and going at his leisure. That was simply unheard of.

Harvey warmed the bath and prepared the herbs Grace would need to scrub with. Once that was set up, he called Grace in to check her bruises.

I obeyed the doctor, feeling somewhat self-conscious. I looked forward to the day these things would start feeling normal.

Harvey checked the red and raised skin of Grace's abdomen. Mitchell's tail had been too abrasive. Harvey quietly prepared his herbs and gently washed her skin.

"Harvey, are you upset?" I have accepted the multiple spouse necessity, but it still made me stop and wonder if it hurt them to watch me be with others.

Harvey stopped his movements and glanced up at Grace. He hurriedly raised his line of sight above her breasts and found her eyes. Her gaze was one of concern and held guilt that he wanted to alleviate.

"No, I-maybe a little." Harvey turned to the side to prepare the herbs that Grace would need after she bathed. "He hurt you." And even if Harvey recognized the threat and tried to stop it, he wasn't strong enough. He could only wait until after to help his mate and that upset him.

"This isn't much," I said softly as I sunk into the mildly warm water. "And not on purpose." I bit my lip. Why do I feel the need to defend him?

Harvey shook his head slightly. "Not just physically."

I didn't have a retort immediately. But it wasn't quite like that. I agreed, both now and back then. And I rarely tried to communicate with Mitchell before. I did what needed to be done to get me through and that was just about it. After all, I wrote our relationship off before it had even begun. These past few days had more effort on my part than the three and a half months we spent together in the City of Flame.

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