56. Oh, Boy

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Shuu was pretty upset when he walked into the scene he saw. Why, of all beastmen, did it have to be the snake that almost stole his most important person away? Was it because he was strong? Because he was eye-catching?

No, Grace had never been moved by shallow things before. So why?

Shuu growled and the two cubs mewled in fear.

I flinched like I was caught in the wrong, but kept enough composure not to shove Curtis away. No matter how I felt about all this, I made a decision to use what I could for a better future. That just happened to include Curtis.

I tapped him on the shoulder to let him know that physical contact time is now over, but a flick of something cool and damp on my neck had me jumping out of his arms.

I smacked my hand over my neck and glared, but Curtis acted like nothing happened. Shuu continued to be menacing, so I let it go in favor of calming Shuu and the babies.

"You should remember your place, Guardian." Grace's calming failed.

One corner of Curtis's lip twitched up, earning another growl from Shuu. I explained things quickly as I used my kittens to cleanse my mind and remind me of why I was doing this.

"I have relieved Curtis of his guardianship." My babies mewled as they pawed for milk despite their pudgy bellies having been filled right before I came out here.

Shuu blinked, not understanding. Why was Curtis still here then?

"Shuu," I started gently, "it seems Curtis will be courting me properly from here on." I emphasized 'properly' more for Curtis than Shuu.

Shuu didn't like this turn of events and his face displayed that openly. They existed semi-peacefully until now, but that was it. It was tolerance born from necessity.

"Shuu, I allowed it."

Shuu straightened and his hostile mannerisms slowly disappeared. If Grace agreed and wasn't pressured into it... then how could he say anything in front of her?

I felt he needed more reassurance, but I didn't want to stress that I had no intention of accepting Curtis like that. That would only increase the animosity between the two.

The only way that would happen is if I somehow come to trust Curtis and my family can do the same. I won't compromise on that. We are all on board with this or none of us are.

I went back home in the arms of my mate with Curtis trailing behind. Things did not go exactly as planned, but it wouldn't affect what I would do next.

But before that, I need to explain to my family that Curtis would be a suitor and treated like such. Well...not exactly. As someone whose already been welcomed into our home once before, it was hard to see him as any other interested male.

They took the news with slightly more grace than Shuu did. But none of them protested. In fact, they were pretty accommodating to the new status as they happily evicted Curtis. Suitors don't get to come inside my den and that was that.

Curtis did not kick up a fuss and made a den close by for himself. It was only in the coming days where he made a point to hang around the outside of my den did any conflict come about. The males had their bickering, but no blood was shed. Curtis won his begrudging recognition from my mates, but still had Shuu and Muir's dislike.

The rest of the village was not alerted to Cutis's change in status and figured he was still a guardian. The idea that one could pick up and toss away the title never occurred to them and I had no intention of correcting them unless we were confronted on it.

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