95. Jed

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I was gifted the services of a young ape male named Jed. The nervous male stood stiffly with a grim look on his face. You'd think he was being fed to the wolves or something.

Speaking of, my wolf pups were very interested in the newcomer. But thanks to all their recent training, they did not recklessly approach. I smiled and promised to give Shuu the praise for that.

I gave Cooper and the guard named George cubsitting duty and sent them off. Shuu and Muir stood guard close by while me and Harvey interrogated the male and assessed his level of expertise.

His name was Jed and he was 20 light-rainy seasons old. He had no stripes and did not come from a strong line. Neither his father nor grandfather had a stripe, but the ape king said he had the potential for it anyway.

The male was not sociable and seemed awkward, so I sent Muir away to watch the kids. Unfortunately, Jed did not relax in the slightest. Looking at his curly head of short, sweat-plastered, black hair and calloused, dirty hands, I got the impression that he was going to need a lot of instruction.

I looked into his medium brown eyes and gave it to him straight. "Jed, this is going to be a lot of work. You will need to gain a stripe and increase your medical knowledge to attend to me. Do you understand and accept that?"

Jed clenched his fists and shuddered. Considering the mates of the tiger queen... he was going to go through a lot of pain, wasn't he?

With an audible gulp that made his Adam's apple bob, he agreed. "I understand, Tiger Queen."

"Good. I'm assigning you to Harvey and the castle's clinic during the day. In the evenings you will join me for lessons in physical fitness." I wanted something else to do and this would work fine. I wasn't qualified to be a personal trainer, but I doubt Jed—or anyone—would claim that I lack qualifications.

Shuu kept his growl to himself. He didn't want the frumpy, young male around his mate. But if this is what Grace decided...he would do what needed to be done.

I wanted to introduce sparring, but apes don't necessarily gain stripes that way. And 'strengthening the mind' was too vague a direction to be helpful. I wish the ape king had given me more information. I hope Jed has a better idea than I do regarding that.

We got to it immediately and it was...frustrating. So unbearably frustrating. Jed was, strictly speaking, incompetent as hell. He came from the ape castle so I thought he would have more knowledge than the average person, but that was hardly the case.

He knew so little about herbs that even Harvey was taken aback. My attempts at teaching him how to workout weren't much better. The male at least had a drive to learn about medical practices, but he couldn't give a damn about his physical shape. It was evident by his forced smiles and unenthusiastic responses.

It took me all of three days to seethe. Was the ape king messing with me? Was this another power play? What was he thinking, sending me someone with so little will?

I chewed my lip as I rage-paced around the third floor of the castle. This wouldn't do. Not at all. I'll make the ape take this seriously or I'll find another that will.


Jed had the fear of the beast gods struck into him when he faced the tiger queen on the fourth day of his time at the tiger castle. She had her cubs with her today, but that didn't settle his heart any.

"Jed," her cold voice sent a shiver down his spine, "since you aren't enthusiastic about what I need you to do, you need to make a choice today." He stood stalk still as the predators looked him up and down like they would prey.

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