74. Kowtow

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Muir and Winston were late for dinner, but I didn't let my good mood go so easily. Not until, Muir sat on his knees in front of me and bowed his head low anyway.

"What's going on?" The room cleared out leaving just me, Winston, and Muir.

Muir's forehead touched the floor. "I was wrong." If Grace didn't grant him forgiveness, he would understand.

"Wrong about?" Did I miss something?

Muir hesitated for several heartbeats before confessing his sins. He didn't stop until he recounted the entirety of his transgressions.

I sat speechless, trying to process that. "You...are you stupid?"

Muir flinched and didn't dare raise his head.

"Muir look at me right now. What the hell were you thinking?" I made myself so, so clear, didn't I? Had I stuttered somewhere?

Muir raised his pale face to look at Grace's furious one. "I-I-I just..." Muir couldn't speak.

"You just?"

"I thought it was wrong. I thought you didn't like him. I thought it would be better if he didn't come back." Muir's tone was grave.

I opened my mouth then shut it onto my fist. I tried to speak and failed again. I stomped around as if to take the frustration out on stone instead of Muir. "Muir. Muir... Do you have any idea...no. Just why did you think that?"

Muir wasn't even there when Mitchell came back. Was that the issue? He didn't hear me stress my feelings? But that still wouldn't excuse this.

"Shuu said he made you cry. That he hurt you. And that he would come and go as he wanted. So I didn't want him to come back to you."

"So it's Shuu's fault?" My voice was sharp and full of indignation.

"What? No, it's mine," Muir said miserably.

"Alright... So let me understand this. You thought—based on second-hand information—that I would prefer Mitchell being gone?"

He didn't understand what second-hand meant, but it didn't change his answer. "Yes."

"Even though I never said anything like that?"

Muir faltered, recognizing that error. "Yes."

"Even though I said I wouldn't tolerate anyone harming my mates?"

Muir stayed quiet.

"Did you think that exempted you who was already my mate?"

Muir dropped his eyes, ashamed.

I pushed out a puff of air. "You were gone for some important conversations, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for not knowing how I felt about Mitchell. But I won't let this whole thing go, Muir."

Muir swallowed and prepared for the worst.

"So let me make this clear if it wasn't already so. Any male I accept is untouchable unless there is a very specific reason for your concern then you have to run it by me first. non-lethal self-defense is always okay, but what you did isn't close."

I rubbed my temples. "Hell, Mitchell would've been in his rights to kill you for trying to kill him. Then I would've lost both of you."

Muir continued to stare at the floor. Was he not capable of being a good mate? Why did it seem like he always misunderstood? What should he do if Grace forgave him? How could he live with that dishonor?

"Listen. You are all my family. All of you. I don't want to lose anyone. Not now and not later, and certainly not to each other." I sat down next to Muir and spoke sternly, my anger still burning hot. "Look at me."

Muir stared up with glassy eyes, but I did not falter. "Don't ever go behind my back. Don't hide things from me. And never plot against our family members. If you can't swear to me right now that this will never happen again..." I let the threat hang heavy in the air. "Don't expect to have a home or a mate to return to."

It hurt to say it, but I would absolutely follow through with it. If he crossed that line, his bond was forfeit.

I liked him, I did. Muir was family. But I was under no impression that I would fall apart if he forced my hand. Hurt, yes. Break down, no. I guess that went to show that no matter how strong my feelings were for Muir, they hadn't crossed the obscure line that separated like from love.

Winston quietly left. He only wanted to be sure that Muir told the whole truth. He did not need to supervise the two as they decided what to do. He would follow Grace's will, even if it meant giving Muir another chance.

Mitchell sank against the wall and clasped his hands together. He couldn't give a shit about the eagle, but hearing Grace refer to him as family made his heart beat uncontrollably. So much for getting control of his emotions. His first day back and he was already overcome by them.

Harvey smiled sadly, understanding that this must be hard on Grace. Mitchell and Curtis got all of his attention lately when it came to teaching, but maybe Muir needed it more than anyone. Would he be out of line to offer it? Assuming Muir was allowed to stay...

Shuu occupied the cubs while biting his thumbnail. He thought he was going to be in trouble for a moment there. Yes, he told Muir those things, but he never suggested that they should do something about it. He was frustrated because there was nothing to be done about it. He didn't think that Muir would do what he wouldn't even consider doing.

Muir's head hung in defeat, his eyes stinging as his heart clenched painfully. It was hard for him to breathe. He agreed with everything Grace said and didn't utter a single complaint.

"Muir, as punishment, you'll be guarding Harvey for the foreseeable future. And when I say guarding, I mean you'll be learning too." There was no telling when an idiot might try something. Muir also desperately needed to learn some sense, and I can't think of anyone better than Harvey to teach it.

"You will not sleep in the same room as us until you are able to sincerely apologize to Mitchell and...me. You will not have litter rights either."

Muir swallowed his pain and agreed. He didn't have the right to disagree and he wouldn't.

I made him repeat back to me what I said to make sure he understood. Then I sent him off to a side room to rest.

I concluded that night with dinner and kicking Mitchell to a side room too. He can wait until we are all comfortable with his presence before sleeping in the main bedroom. He went willingly with a fuzzy expression that didn't fit the current circumstances.

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