70. Stealing Bai

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Memi watched the interaction feeling good about her call to bring Grace here. It must've been lonely to be the only one of her kind in the city.

"Bai Qingqing... It is nice to meet you."

Bai Qingqing nodded. "Pleased to make your acquaintance."

"Mother," Parker spoke up, "I'm sure Qingqing is tired and should rest."

Memi loved her son, but she also didn't want to be rude. "Cub, let your female make that kind of decision. The tiger queen took the time to come out here too, yet you haven't greeted her or the king."

Bai Qingqing's eyes had been jumping from Grace to the large man next to her and back. It was strange that Grace was both a human and a tiger queen. Did human mean something different in this bizarre place? If it did, what if they found out she wasn't the same?

"Tiger King. Tiger Queen," Parker mumbled his greeting before turning his full attention to Qingqing. "Do you want to go rest? I'm sure you're tired?"

Qingqing was not that tired, but she still didn't feel comfortable saying no to Parker. But this time, her desperation won out. "Is it okay if I talk to Grace a little?" When she saw Parker warring with something, she added, "Please?"

How could Parker say no to his female? "Okay."

I watched Winston from the corner of my eye, the tiniest part of me wondering if something would change. I touched his mark and his head turned to me. The concern and question in his eyes made me let go of that worry. Winston was fine and our bond wasn't going to be jeopardized by this girl.

Memi clapped her hands together to draw attention to her. "Why don't I show you to the table? You can talk as much as you want while resting." She turned to her cubs. "You two should get your females something to drink."

Cooper immediately bolted off, but Parker hesitated. He turned to Grace, seeing her for the first time since she got here. "You chose Cooper?" While he no longer held a shred of interest in Grace as a female, his pride hurt knowing his ugliest brother was able to pursue her.

"I did."

Parker's face twisted. "Well, I have a female now."


Grace's bored tone didn't match her words and he didn't understand.

"Parker," Memi cautioned.

Parker turned to Qingqing. "I'll be right back."

Memi sighed and took us to our seats then left us alone for some privacy. Not that there really was any when most males had the hearing they did.

"Winston, can you please delay Parker from coming back?" I asked.

Winston didn't hesitate. "Yes." The leopard king was their ally and Grace would not be far.

Bai Qingqing braced herself. Why keep Parker away? Was this woman really the same kind of human?

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions—and I plan to answer them the best I can—but I have a few things to check first." The girl seemed nervous, but she was paying attention. "How long have you been... here?"

Bai Qingqing got the rather obvious hint but was still careful with her answer. "Around a week."

I nodded. "I see." I looked her right in the eyes. "I know this may be sudden, but I need to check. Do you know about how bonds are made and broken here?"

Bonds... "Eve and Bastian told me that it happens," she blushed, "after mating. And that cutting the tat-beast mark with something sharp with remove it."

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