30. Uncompromising

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I woke up to a nasty headache along with a cold, wetness that seeped into my bones. I cracked my eyes open and tried to move. I couldn't move. I wiggled, but that was it.

Before I could panic or take stock of this situation, the ridiculously large head of a red snake took up my entire line of sight. Its long tongue smacked my cheek like the beating of giant moth wings, leaving no saliva behind.

I gulped as the earlier events came back to me. Why did I black out? I wasn't that scared or tense. Was it beast pressure? I've never been hit that closely with one so strong, so maybe that was it.

I stared at the red beast, wondering why I was here. Was it a coincidence? Was it all on purpose?

...No. Curtis could hardly get over himself to team up with Parker for Bai's survival. There was no way he'd join another male to poach a female. But a coincidence? That seemed too unrealistic.

Curtis noted that besides a small shiver and tensing up of her body, the female did not have a fearful response to him. His coils remained constricted around her as he considered what the female may do next.

"Can you let me go?" I don't know what's going through Curtis's head, but I'm not interested. He was strong and had a pretty face, but that was all he had going for him. I don't like abusive and controlling men. I do not find them attractive, and I don't want the trouble.

Curtis loosened his coils only after he pondered for a moment. The female could not escape him even if she wanted to.

I stood in the damp cave barefooted and drenched. I took one look at Curtis before saying as calmly as possible. "I am going out to warm up."

The snake hissed and blocked my exit, but I didn't back off. "I can't understand you like that." My tone grew a little colder than I intended. I was trying to keep it light to not set off Curtis. But my next words had to be strongly worded or he wouldn't get it.

He shifted, but I didn't give him a chance to speak. "I need warmth. I will get sick and die like this." I never thought I'd have to sound so dramatic, but Bai's imminent death was one of the only things that made Curtis return her.

Curtis's eyes narrowed, a storm cloud brewing behind them. "No, you will run."

I bit back the foul language I was thinking of and settled for something equally aggressive. "And who are you to determine what I will and will not do?"


I withheld the next biting remark I had. "Well, Curtis. I'm not running. If you are worried I can somehow escape you and all four of your marks, come with me."

Curtis did not expect an invite, but the way she said it did not sound pleasing to the ears. He reluctantly allowed it anyway. The female was right. She couldn't escape him even if she wanted to.

I found a place in the sun and sat. I checked all my limbs and digits to make sure I was physically okay. Adrenaline had a way of dulling pain, so I couldn't be too sure.

I was tired but whole. My scarf was still wrapped tightly around my neck, hiding my mark hopefully. Unfortunately, Muir's handmade headpiece was missing. I frowned as I touched the spot where it should be. I had him make it loose so I wouldn't get a headache from it, but now it's gone. I'll have to apologize for losing it later.

Curtis loomed over me while I silently got my bearings. He had little to no sense of how disturbing his presence was. I felt terrible and had hardly any energy to work with, so I got straight to the point.

"Why am I here, Curtis?"

Curtis watched the female's every twitch, looking for signs that she might run away, but he found none. "Because I brought you here."

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